Source code for emodelrunner.GUI_utils.frames

"""Frame Classes for the GUI."""

# Copyright 2020-2022 Blue Brain Project / EPFL

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position, too-many-ancestors, too-many-lines, import-error
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
import numpy as np
import matplotlib

from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg
from matplotlib.figure import Figure

    from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import NavigationToolbar2TkAgg
except ImportError:
    from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import (
        NavigationToolbar2Tk as NavigationToolbar2TkAgg,

from emodelrunner.GUI_utils.plotshape import get_morph_lines
from import style_dict

[docs] def positive_int_callback(input_): """Accepts only digits or '' as entry. Args: input_ (str): input to check Returns: bool: True if input is an int or an empty string, False otherwise """ return input_.isdigit() or input_ == ""
[docs] def float_callback(input_): """Accepts only a float or '' as entry. Args: input_ (str): input to check Returns: bool: True if input is a float or an empty string, False otherwise """ if input_ != "": try: float(input_) except (ValueError, TypeError): return False return True
[docs] class ToolbarCustom(NavigationToolbar2TkAgg): """Matplotlib toolbar class."""
[docs] def set_message(self, msg): """Do not show message. This is unstable. Args: msg (str): message """
[docs] class FrameSetIntFromEntry(ttk.Frame): """Frame containing an entry for input.""" def __init__(self, parent, gui, attr_name, label): """Constructor. Args: parent (ttk.Frame): parent frame in which to embed this frame gui (GUI): main class containing main frames and simulation attr_name (str): attribute of gui.simulation that can be changed with the entry label (str): text describing the attribute to display """ ttk.Frame.__init__(self, parent, style="TFrame") # label self.label = ttk.Label(self, text=f"{label}:") # to enforce only digits in entry self.reg = self.register(positive_int_callback) # string variable to be binded to entry = tk.StringVar(), attr_name))) # default value "write", lambda name, index, mode, self.get_value(gui, attr_name), ) # entry self.entry = ttk.Entry( self,, font=style_dict["base_font"], width=style_dict["entry_width"], ) self.entry.config(validate="key", validatecommand=(self.reg, "%P")) # grid self.label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=tk.W) self.entry.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=tk.E) self.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) # only center column grows
[docs] def get_value(self, gui, attr_name): """Put input value in simulation attribute. Args: gui (GUI): main class containing main frames and simulation attr_name (str): attribute of gui.simulation that can be changed with the entry """ value = self.entry.get() if value == "": value = 0 try: setattr(gui.simulation, attr_name, int(value)) gui.config_has_changed() except (ValueError, TypeError): tk.messagebox.showerror( f"Bad {attr_name} value", "Must be an int.", )
[docs] def disable(self): """Set entry state to disabled.""" self.entry.state(["disabled"])
[docs] def enable(self): """Set entry state to not disabled.""" self.entry.state(["!disabled"])
[docs] class FrameStepStimulus(ttk.Frame): """Frame containing step stimulus value input.""" def __init__(self, parent, gui): """Constructor. Args: parent (ttk.Frame): parent frame in which to embed this frame gui (GUI): main class containing main frames and simulation """ ttk.Frame.__init__(self, parent, style="TFrame") self.step_stim = tk.DoubleVar() self.step_stim.set(gui.simulation.step_stim) # step1 is selected self.step_stim_title = ttk.Label(self, text="Select a Step Stimulus") self.steps = [] for step_amp in gui.simulation.steps: protocol_step = ttk.Radiobutton( self, text=f"{step_amp:.3g} nA", variable=self.step_stim, value=step_amp, command=lambda: self.get_step_stim(gui), ) self.steps.append(protocol_step) self.custom_step = ttk.Radiobutton( self, text="Custom stimulus [nA]: ", variable=self.step_stim, value=gui.simulation.step_stim, command=lambda: self.get_custom_step_stim(gui), ) # to enforce only float in entry self.reg = self.register(float_callback) # string variable to be binded to entry = tk.StringVar()"0.0") # default value "write", lambda name, index, mode, self.get_custom_step_stim(gui), ) # entry self.custom_entry = ttk.Entry( self,, font=style_dict["base_font"], width=style_dict["entry_width"], ) self.custom_entry.config(validate="key", validatecommand=(self.reg, "%P")) self.custom_entry.state(["!disabled"]) self.step_stim_title.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=tk.W) self.custom_step.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=tk.W) self.custom_entry.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=tk.E) step_row = 1 for protocol_step in self.steps: step_row += 1 protocol_step.grid(row=step_row, column=0, sticky=tk.W) self.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) # only center column grows for i in range(step_row + 1): self.rowconfigure(i, weight=1)
[docs] def get_step_stim(self, gui): """Put selected step stim value into simulation attribute. Args: gui (GUI): main class containing main frames and simulation """ self.custom_entry.state(["disabled"]) value = self.step_stim.get() gui.simulation.step_stim = value gui.config_has_changed()
[docs] def get_custom_step_stim(self, gui): """Enable input and put input value into simulation attribute. Args: gui (GUI): main class containing main frames and simulation """ self.custom_entry.state(["!disabled"]) value = self.custom_entry.get() if value == "": value = 0 try: gui.simulation.step_stim = float(value) gui.config_has_changed() except (ValueError, TypeError): tk.messagebox.showerror( "Bad step stimulus value", "Must be a float.", )
[docs] class FrameHoldStimulus(ttk.Frame): """Frame containing holding stimulus value input.""" def __init__(self, parent, gui): """Constructor. Args: parent (ttk.Frame): parent frame in which to embed this frame gui (GUI): main class containing main frames and simulation """ ttk.Frame.__init__(self, parent, style="TFrame") self.hold_stim = tk.DoubleVar() self.hold_stim.set(gui.simulation.hypamp) # default hold stim is selected self.hold_stim_title = ttk.Label(self, text="Select a Holding Stimulus") self.hypamps = [] for amp in gui.simulation.hypamps: protocol_hypamp = ttk.Radiobutton( self, text=f"{amp:.3g} nA", variable=self.hold_stim, value=amp, command=lambda: self.get_hold_stim(gui), ) self.hypamps.append(protocol_hypamp) self.custom_hold = ttk.Radiobutton( self, text="Custom stimulus [nA]: ", variable=self.hold_stim, value=gui.simulation.hypamp, command=lambda: self.get_custom_hold_stim(gui), ) # to enforce only float in entry self.reg = self.register(float_callback) # string variable to be binded to entry = tk.StringVar()"0.0") # default value "write", lambda name, index, mode, self.get_custom_hold_stim(gui), ) # entry self.custom_entry = ttk.Entry( self,, font=style_dict["base_font"], width=style_dict["entry_width"], ) self.custom_entry.config(validate="key", validatecommand=(self.reg, "%P")) self.custom_entry.state(["!disabled"]) self.hold_stim_title.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=tk.W) self.custom_hold.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=tk.W) self.custom_entry.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=tk.E) hold_row = 1 for protocol_hypamp in self.hypamps: hold_row += 1 protocol_hypamp.grid(row=hold_row, column=0, sticky=tk.W) self.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) # only center column grows for i in range(hold_row + 1): self.rowconfigure(i, weight=1)
[docs] def get_hold_stim(self, gui): """Put selected holding stim value into simulation attribute. Args: gui (GUI): main class containing main frames and simulation """ self.custom_entry.state(["disabled"]) value = self.hold_stim.get() gui.simulation.hypamp = value gui.config_has_changed()
[docs] def get_custom_hold_stim(self, gui): """Enable input and put input value into simulation attribute. Args: gui (GUI): main class containing main frames and simulation """ self.custom_entry.state(["!disabled"]) value = self.custom_entry.get() if value == "": value = 0 try: gui.simulation.hypamp = float(value) gui.config_has_changed() except (ValueError, TypeError): tk.messagebox.showerror( "Bad holding stimulus value", "Must be a float.", )
[docs] class FrameStepProtocol(ttk.Frame): """Frame containing step stimulus-related input.""" def __init__(self, parent, gui): """Constructor. Args: parent (ttk.Frame): parent frame in which to embed this frame gui (GUI): main class containing main frames and simulation """ ttk.Frame.__init__(self, parent, style="TFrame") # step stimulus self.frame_step_stim = FrameStepStimulus(self, gui) self.frame_step_delay = FrameSetIntFromEntry( self, gui, "step_delay", "Step stimulus delay [ms]" ) self.frame_step_duration = FrameSetIntFromEntry( self, gui, "step_duration", "Step stimulus duration [ms]" ) # holding stimulus self.frame_hold_stim = FrameHoldStimulus(self, gui) self.frame_hold_step_delay = FrameSetIntFromEntry( self, gui, "hold_step_delay", "Holding stimulus delay [ms]" ) self.frame_hold_step_duration = FrameSetIntFromEntry( self, gui, "hold_step_duration", "Holding stimulus duration [ms]", ) # display on grid self.frame_step_stim.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E)) self.frame_step_delay.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E)) self.frame_step_duration.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E)) self.frame_hold_stim.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E)) self.frame_hold_step_delay.grid(row=4, column=0, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E)) self.frame_hold_step_duration.grid(row=5, column=0, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E)) self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) for i in range(6): self.rowconfigure(i, weight=1)
[docs] class FrameProtocols(ttk.LabelFrame): """Frame containing protocol-related inputs.""" def __init__(self, parent, gui, title): """Constructor. Args: parent (ttk.Frame): parent frame in which to embed this frame gui (GUI): main class containing main frames and simulation title (ttk.Label): frame title to display """ ttk.LabelFrame.__init__(self, parent, style="Boxed.TFrame", labelwidget=title) self.frame_sim_duration = FrameSetIntFromEntry( self, gui, "total_duration", "Simulation time [ms]" ) self.frame_step_protocol = FrameStepProtocol(self, gui) self.frame_sim_duration.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E)) self.frame_step_protocol.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E, tk.N, tk.S)) self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.rowconfigure(1, weight=12)
[docs] class FrameConfig(ttk.Frame): """Frame containing all inputs.""" def __init__(self, parent, gui): """Constructor. Args: parent (ttk.Frame): parent frame in which to embed this frame gui (GUI): main class containing main frames and simulation """ ttk.Frame.__init__(self, parent, style="TFrame") title_config_fig = ttk.Label(self, text="Display configuration") self.frame_config_fig = FrameConfigFig(self, gui, title_config_fig) title_protocols = ttk.Label( self, text="Simulation & Step stimulus configuration" ) self.frame_protocols = FrameProtocols(self, gui, title_protocols) self.frame_config_fig.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E, tk.N, tk.S)) self.frame_protocols.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E, tk.N, tk.S)) self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.rowconfigure(1, weight=10)
[docs] class FrameButtons(ttk.Frame): """Frame containing buttons to (re-)start and pause simulation.""" def __init__(self, parent, gui): """Constructor. Args: parent (ttk.Frame): parent frame in which to embed this frame gui (GUI): main class containing main frames and simulation """ ttk.Frame.__init__(self, parent, style="TFrame") self.start_button = ttk.Button( self, text="Start", command=gui.start, style="ControlSimul.TButton" ) self.pause_button = ttk.Button( self, text="Pause", command=gui.pause, state=tk.DISABLED, style="ControlSimul.TButton", ) self.continue_button = ttk.Button( self, text="Continue", command=gui.continue_simul, state=tk.DISABLED, style="ControlSimul.TButton", ) self.start_button.grid(row=0, column=0) self.pause_button.grid(row=0, column=1) self.continue_button.grid(row=0, column=2)
[docs] def simul_running(self): """Disable continue button, enable pause button.""" self.pause_button["state"] = tk.NORMAL self.continue_button["state"] = tk.DISABLED
[docs] def simul_on_pause(self): """Disable pause button, enable continue button.""" self.pause_button["state"] = tk.DISABLED self.continue_button["state"] = tk.NORMAL
[docs] def simul_ended(self): """Disable pause & continue buttons.""" self.pause_button["state"] = tk.DISABLED self.continue_button["state"] = tk.DISABLED
[docs] class FrameFigures(ttk.Frame): """Frame containing the morphology and the voltage figures.""" def __init__( self, parent, simulation, plot_3d=False, toolbar_on=False, figsize="medium", val_min=-80, val_max=30, ): """Constructor. Args: parent (ttk.Frame): parent frame in which to embed this frame simulation (NeuronSimulation): contains simulation (and cell) data plot_3d (bool): set to True to plot the cell shapes in 3D toolbar_on (bool): set to True to display the matplotlib toolbars figsize (str): figures size. can be "small", "medium", or "large". val_min (int): minimum voltage for colormap val_max (int): maximum voltage for colormap """ ttk.Frame.__init__(self, parent, style="TFrame") self.xaxis = 2 # z self.yaxis = 0 # x self.zaxis = 1 # y self.plot_3d = plot_3d self.figsize = figsize self.val_min = val_min self.val_max = val_max # --- # figure for neuron visualisation # --- fig_morph = Figure() if self.plot_3d: self.ax_morph = fig_morph.add_subplot(111, projection="3d") else: self.ax_morph = fig_morph.add_subplot(111) self.ax_morph.set_aspect(aspect=1) # get data and axis lims for left morph figure _, self.old_vals, _ = get_morph_lines( ax=self.ax_morph, sim=simulation.sim, val_min=self.val_min, val_max=self.val_max, do_plot=True, plot_3d=self.plot_3d, xaxis=self.xaxis, yaxis=self.yaxis, zaxis=self.zaxis, ) self.vals_last_draw = self.old_vals.copy() # resize & adjust figure for not cutting axis self.set_fig_morph_display(fig_morph) # create canva self.canva_morph = FigureCanvasTkAgg(fig_morph, self) self.canva_morph.get_tk_widget().grid( row=0, column=0, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E, tk.N, tk.S) ) # for interactive 3d rotating with mouse if self.plot_3d: self.get_interactive_3d_rotation(self.canva_morph, self.ax_morph) # --- # figure for neuron visualisation with synapses # --- fig_morph_syn = Figure() if self.plot_3d: self.ax_morph_syn = fig_morph_syn.add_subplot(111, projection="3d") else: self.ax_morph_syn = fig_morph_syn.add_subplot(111) self.ax_morph_syn.set_aspect(aspect=1) # get data and axis lims get_morph_lines( ax=self.ax_morph_syn, sim=simulation.sim, do_plot=True, cmap=None, plot_3d=self.plot_3d, xaxis=self.xaxis, yaxis=self.yaxis, zaxis=self.zaxis, ) # resize & adjust figure for not cutting axis self.set_fig_morph_display(fig_morph_syn) # create canva self.canva_morph_syn = FigureCanvasTkAgg(fig_morph_syn, self) # save background for blit self.ax_morph_syn_bg = self.canva_morph_syn.copy_from_bbox( self.ax_morph_syn.bbox ) self.canva_morph_syn.get_tk_widget().grid( row=0, column=1, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E, tk.N, tk.S) ) # for interactive 3d rotating with mouse if self.plot_3d: self.get_interactive_3d_rotation(self.canva_morph_syn, self.ax_morph_syn) # --- # figure for voltage evolution # --- fig_volt = Figure() self.ax_volt = fig_volt.add_subplot(111) self.set_axis(x_max=simulation.protocol.total_duration) # set fig size self.set_fig_volt_display(fig_volt) # create canva self.canva_volt = FigureCanvasTkAgg(fig_volt, self) self.canva_volt.get_tk_widget().grid( row=2, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E, tk.N, tk.S) ) # add matplotlib toolbar if toolbar_on: self.set_toolbars() self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) self.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.rowconfigure(1, weight=1) self.rowconfigure(2, weight=1) self.rowconfigure(3, weight=1)
[docs] def set_fig_morph_display(self, fig): """Set shape figure size and adjustment. Args: fig (matplotlib.figure.Figure): figure to adjust """ if self.figsize == "small": fig.set_size_inches((3, 3)) elif self.figsize == "large": fig.set_size_inches((5, 5)) else: fig.set_size_inches((4, 4)) if self.plot_3d: if self.figsize: fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.8, left=0.2) else: fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.85) else: fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.98, top=0.98, bottom=0.15, left=0.20)
[docs] def set_fig_volt_display(self, fig): """Set shape figure size and adjustment. Args: fig (matplotlib.figure.Figure): figure to adjust """ if self.figsize == "small": fig.set_size_inches((4.5, 2)) elif self.figsize == "large": fig.set_size_inches((7.5, 3)) else: fig.set_size_inches((6, 2.5)) fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2) # to avoid the xlabel being cut
[docs] def set_toolbars(self): """Set a matplotlib toolbar for each figure.""" # self.ax_morph.format_coord = lambda x, y: "" toolbar_frame_morph = tk.Frame(self) toolbar_frame_morph.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=tk.E) ToolbarCustom(self.canva_morph, toolbar_frame_morph) # self.ax_morph_syn.format_coord = lambda x, y: "" toolbar_frame_morph_syn = tk.Frame(self) toolbar_frame_morph_syn.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=tk.E) ToolbarCustom(self.canva_morph_syn, toolbar_frame_morph_syn) # self.ax_volt.format_coord = lambda x, y: "" toolbar_frame_volt = tk.Frame(self) toolbar_frame_volt.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=2) ToolbarCustom(self.canva_volt, toolbar_frame_volt)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_interactive_3d_rotation(canva, ax): """Connect events to canva to enable rotative 3d plots with mouse. Args: canva (matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg.FigureCanvasTkAgg): canva ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes): axes """ # pylint: disable=protected-access canva.mpl_connect("button_press_event", ax._button_press) canva.mpl_connect("button_release_event", ax._button_release) canva.mpl_connect("motion_notify_event", ax._on_move)
[docs] def set_axis(self, x_min=0, x_max=3000, y_min=-90, y_max=40): """Set the voltage figure's axis. Args: x_min (float): min value on x axis x_max (float): max value on x axis y_min (float): min value on y axis y_max (float): max value on y axis """ self.ax_volt.set_xlim([x_min, x_max]) self.ax_volt.set_ylim([y_min, y_max]) self.ax_volt.set_xlabel("t [ms]") self.ax_volt.set_ylabel("v [mV]")
[docs] def check_change(self, root, simulation): """Checks the voltage change in the cell sections. Update display if change is significant. Args: root (tk.Tk): root of the GUI simulation (NeuronSimulation): contains simulation (and cell) data Returns: bool: True if the cell morphology with color-coded voltage figure has been updated """ # here, update is True if any of the morph lines has a significant change of voltage. morph_lines, old_vals, update = get_morph_lines( ax=self.ax_morph, sim=simulation.sim, val_min=self.val_min, val_max=self.val_max, do_plot=False, old_vals=self.old_vals, vals_last_draw=self.vals_last_draw, ) if update: self.old_vals = old_vals self.display(root, simulation, morph_lines) return True return False
[docs] def display(self, root, simulation, morph_lines=None): """Update both figures display. Args: root (tk.Tk): root of the GUI simulation (NeuronSimulation): contains simulation (and cell) data morph_lines (list of matplotlib.Line2D): list of lines to be actualized if they already have been computed, else None """ # get voltage data t, v = simulation.get_voltage() # update data in Line2D if self.ax_volt.lines: line = self.ax_volt.lines[0] line.set_xdata(t) line.set_ydata(v) else: (line,) = self.ax_volt.plot(t, v) # draw voltage plot to canva self.ax_volt.draw_artist(line) self.canva_volt.blit(self.ax_volt.bbox) # do not blit too much on top of figure, or else # 'older' lines tend to stack in the background # and bias the perceived color of the line. # so redraw everything when there is a big change in color if morph_lines is not None: for line in morph_lines: self.ax_morph.draw_artist(line) self.vals_last_draw = self.old_vals.copy() self.canva_morph.draw() else: morph_lines, self.old_vals, force_draw = get_morph_lines( ax=self.ax_morph, sim=simulation.sim, val_min=self.val_min, val_max=self.val_max, do_plot=False, old_vals=self.old_vals, vals_last_draw=self.vals_last_draw, ) for line in morph_lines: self.ax_morph.draw_artist(line) if force_draw: self.canva_morph.draw() self.vals_last_draw = self.old_vals.copy() else: self.canva_morph.blit(self.ax_morph.bbox) # update tkinter display root.update()
[docs] def update_syn_display(self, root, simulation, size_scatter=6): """Update the display of the synapses on the right figure. Args: root (tk.Tk): root of the GUI simulation (NeuronSimulation): contains simulation (and cell) data size_scatter (int): size of synapses for scatter plot """ # get all synapses previously drawn drawn_syns = self.ax_morph_syn.collections # hide them before redrawing shape for syn in drawn_syns: syn.set_visible(False) self.canva_morph_syn.draw() # redraw morphology # delete the synapses so that the list is not a big bunch of hidden accumulated synapses for syn in drawn_syns: self.ax_morph_syn.collections.remove(syn) # restore background as the morphology without synapses self.canva_morph_syn.restore_region(self.ax_morph_syn_bg) # create synapse scatterplot syn_scatterplot = {} for mtype, data in simulation.syn_display_data.items(): if data: data = np.array(data) syn_x = data[:, self.xaxis] syn_y = data[:, self.yaxis] syn_cols = data[:, 3] syn_colors = ["red" if x == 1 else "orange" for x in syn_cols] if self.plot_3d: syn_z = data[:, self.zaxis] syn_scatterplot[mtype] = self.ax_morph_syn.scatter( xs=syn_x, ys=syn_y, zs=syn_z, s=size_scatter, c=syn_colors, alpha=1, ) else: syn_scatterplot[mtype] = self.ax_morph_syn.scatter( x=syn_x, y=syn_y, s=size_scatter, c=syn_colors, alpha=1 ) else: syn_scatterplot[mtype] = None # draw selected synapses for mtype in simulation.available_pre_mtypes: if mtype in simulation.pre_mtypes and syn_scatterplot[mtype]: syn_scatterplot[mtype].set_visible(True) self.ax_morph_syn.draw_artist(syn_scatterplot[mtype]) elif syn_scatterplot[mtype]: syn_scatterplot[mtype].set_visible(False) # 3d does not support blitting if self.plot_3d: self.canva_morph_syn.draw() # redrawing somehow draws synapse behind shape in 2d. else: self.canva_morph_syn.blit(self.ax_morph_syn.bbox) # update tkinter display root.update()
[docs] def restart_volt(self): """Clean the voltage figure.""" (line,) = self.ax_volt.plot([], []) self.ax_volt.draw_artist(line) self.canva_volt.draw_idle()
[docs] class FrameMain(ttk.Frame): """Frame containing Figures and launching button.""" def __init__(self, parent, gui): """Constructor. Args: parent (ttk.Frame): parent frame in which to embed this frame gui (GUI): main class containing main frames and simulation """ ttk.Frame.__init__(self, parent, style="TFrame") self.frame_buttons = FrameButtons(self, gui) self.frame_figures = FrameFigures( self, gui.simulation, gui.plot_3d, gui.toolbar_on, gui.figsize ) self.frame_buttons.grid(row=0, column=0) self.frame_figures.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E, tk.N, tk.S))
[docs] def display(self, root, simulation): """Update figures display. Args: root (tk.Tk): root of the GUI simulation (NeuronSimulation): contains simulation (and cell) data """ self.frame_figures.display(root, simulation)
[docs] def check_change(self, root, simulation): """Checks the voltage change in the cell sections. Update display if change is significant. Args: root (tk.Tk): root of the GUI simulation (NeuronSimulation): contains simulation (and cell) data Returns: bool: True if the cell morphology with color-coded voltage figure has been updated """ return self.frame_figures.check_change(root, simulation)
[docs] def update_syn_display(self, root, simulation): """Update the display of the synapses on the right figure. Args: Args: root (tk.Tk): root of the GUI simulation (NeuronSimulation): contains simulation (and cell) data """ self.frame_figures.update_syn_display(root, simulation)
[docs] def restart_volt(self): """Clean voltage figure.""" self.frame_figures.restart_volt()
[docs] def simul_on_pause(self): """Disable pause button, enable continue button.""" self.frame_buttons.simul_on_pause()
[docs] def simul_running(self): """Disable continue button, enable pause button.""" self.frame_buttons.simul_running()
[docs] def simul_ended(self): """Disable pause & continue buttons.""" self.frame_buttons.simul_ended()
[docs] class FrameSynapses(ttk.LabelFrame): """Frame containing all inputs.""" def __init__(self, parent, gui, title): """Constructor. Args: parent (ttk.Frame): parent frame in which to embed this frame gui (GUI): main class containing main frames and simulation title (ttk.Label): frame title to display """ ttk.LabelFrame.__init__(self, parent, style="Boxed.TFrame", labelwidget=title) # -- labels -- self.labels = [] self.labels.append(ttk.Label(self, text="Synapses")) self.labels.append(ttk.Label(self, text="Start time [ms]")) self.labels.append(ttk.Label(self, text="Spike Interval [ms]")) self.labels.append(ttk.Label(self, text="Spike number")) self.labels.append(ttk.Label(self, text="Noise")) for i, label in enumerate(self.labels): label.grid(row=0, column=i) self.columnconfigure(i, weight=1) self.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) # -- synapses -- self.reg = self.register(positive_int_callback) self.mtype_buttons = [] self.var_list = [] # 0 or 1 for each button / checkbox values self.id_list = [] self.svs = [] # entries (start, interval, number, noise) values # list of lists : start, interval, number and noise self.entries = [[] for x in range(4)] # -- create buttons & parameter entries -- for i, id_ in enumerate(gui.simulation.available_pre_mtypes.keys()): # pre-cell m-types self.var_list.append(tk.IntVar()) self.var_list[i].set(0) self.id_list.append(id_) self.mtype_buttons.append( ttk.Checkbutton( self, text=gui.simulation.available_pre_mtypes[id_], variable=self.var_list[i], command=lambda: self.load_current_mtype_list(gui), offvalue=0, onvalue=1, ) ) # synapse start, interval, number, noise for j, entry in enumerate(self.entries): self.svs.append(tk.StringVar()) entry.append( ttk.Entry( self, textvariable=self.svs[4 * i + j], font=style_dict["base_font"], width=style_dict["entry_width"], ) ) entry[i].config(validate="key", validatecommand=(self.reg, "%P")) entry[i].state(["disabled"]) # set string variables self.set_svs(gui, i) # -- add buttons & entries on the grid -- for i, (b, e1, e2, e3, e4) in enumerate( zip(*[self.mtype_buttons] + self.entries) ): b.grid(row=i + 1, column=0, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E), padx=2) e1.grid(row=i + 1, column=1, sticky=(tk.E), padx=2) e2.grid(row=i + 1, column=2, sticky=(tk.E), padx=2) e3.grid(row=i + 1, column=3, sticky=(tk.E), padx=2) e4.grid(row=i + 1, column=4, sticky=(tk.E), padx=2) self.rowconfigure(i + 1, weight=1)
[docs] def toggle_button(self): """Enable/disable entries depending on the button status.""" for i, var in enumerate(self.var_list): if var.get(): for entry in self.entries: entry[i].state(["!disabled"]) else: for entry in self.entries: entry[i].state(["disabled"])
[docs] def set_svs(self, gui, i): """Returns the entry and the variable associated. Args: gui (GUI): main class containing main frames and simulation i (int): mtype index """ # pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop default_var = [ gui.simulation.syn_start, gui.simulation.syn_interval, gui.simulation.syn_nmb_of_spikes, gui.simulation.syn_noise, ] for j, var in enumerate(default_var): self.svs[4 * i + j].set(str(var)) self.svs[4 * i + j].trace_add( "write", lambda name, index, mode, sv=self.svs[ 4 * i + j ]: self.load_current_mtype_list(gui), )
[docs] @staticmethod def check_variable(x): """Returns the variable if it is a positive int. Returns 0 if not. Args: x (str): variable to check Returns: int: the variable if it is a positive int """ try: if x == "": x = 0 else: x = int(x) assert x >= 0 except (ValueError, TypeError, AssertionError): tk.messagebox.showerror( "Bad parameter value", "Must be a positive int.", ) x = 0 return x
[docs] def load_current_mtype_list(self, gui): """Load current mtype list and netstim params. Args: gui (GUI): main class containing main frames and simulation """ gui.simulation.pre_mtypes = [] gui.simulation.netstim_params = {} for idx, var, e1, e2, e3, e4 in zip( *[self.id_list, self.var_list] + self.entries ): if var.get(): gui.simulation.pre_mtypes.append(idx) v1 = self.check_variable(e1.get()) v2 = self.check_variable(e2.get()) v3 = self.check_variable(e3.get()) v4 = self.check_variable(e4.get()) params = [v1, v2, v3, v4] # synapse netstim param depending on mtype # {mtypeidx:[start, interval, number, noise]} gui.simulation.netstim_params[idx] = params self.toggle_button() gui.frames["FrameMain"].update_syn_display(gui.root, gui.simulation) gui.config_has_changed()
[docs] class FrameConfigFig(ttk.LabelFrame): """Frame containing choices for figure display, such as 2d/3d or enabling toolbar.""" def __init__(self, parent, gui, title): """Constructor. Args: parent (ttk.Frame): parent frame in which to embed this frame gui (GUI): main class containing main frames and simulation title (ttk.Label): frame title to display """ ttk.LabelFrame.__init__(self, parent, style="Boxed.TFrame", labelwidget=title) # 2d / 3d radiobuttons self.plot_3d_var = tk.IntVar() self.plot_3d_var.set(int(gui.plot_3d)) # default hold stim is selected self.plot_2d_button = ttk.Radiobutton( self, text="2D neuron shape", variable=self.plot_3d_var, value=0, command=lambda: self.load_plot_3d_value(gui), ) self.plot_3d_button = ttk.Radiobutton( self, text="3D neuron shape", variable=self.plot_3d_var, value=1, command=lambda: self.load_plot_3d_value(gui), ) # toolbar checkbutton self.toolbar_var = tk.IntVar() self.toolbar_var.set(int(gui.toolbar_on)) self.toolbar_button = ttk.Checkbutton( self, text="display figures toolbars", variable=self.toolbar_var, command=lambda: self.load_toolbar_value(gui), offvalue=0, onvalue=1, ) # figsize choice self.figsize_var = tk.StringVar() self.figsize_var.set(str(gui.figsize)) self.figsize_label = ttk.Label(self, text="Figure size:") self.figsize_small_button = ttk.Radiobutton( self, text="small", variable=self.figsize_var, value="small", command=lambda: self.load_figsize_value(gui), ) self.figsize_medium_button = ttk.Radiobutton( self, text="medium", variable=self.figsize_var, value="medium", command=lambda: self.load_figsize_value(gui), ) self.figsize_large_button = ttk.Radiobutton( self, text="large", variable=self.figsize_var, value="large", command=lambda: self.load_figsize_value(gui), ) # put buttons on grid self.plot_2d_button.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E)) self.plot_3d_button.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E)) self.toolbar_button.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E)) self.figsize_label.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E)) self.figsize_small_button.grid(row=4, column=0, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E)) self.figsize_medium_button.grid(row=4, column=1, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E)) self.figsize_large_button.grid(row=4, column=2, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E)) self.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.rowconfigure(1, weight=1) self.rowconfigure(2, weight=1) self.rowconfigure(3, weight=1) self.rowconfigure(4, weight=1) self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) self.columnconfigure(2, weight=1)
[docs] def load_toolbar_value(self, gui): """Change toolbar value in gui and reload figure frame. Args: gui (GUI): main class containing main frames and simulation """ if self.toolbar_var.get(): gui.toolbar_on = True else: gui.toolbar_on = False gui.reload_figure_frame()
[docs] def load_plot_3d_value(self, gui): """Change figure display in gui and reload figure frame. Args: gui (GUI): main class containing main frames and simulation """ if self.plot_3d_var.get(): gui.plot_3d = True else: gui.plot_3d = False gui.reload_figure_frame()
[docs] def load_figsize_value(self, gui): """Change figure size in gui and reload figure frame. Args: gui (GUI): main class containing main frames and simulation """ gui.figsize = self.figsize_var.get() gui.reload_figure_frame()