Source code for emodelrunner.GUI_utils.interface

"""Main Interface."""

# Copyright 2020-2022 Blue Brain Project / EPFL

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# pylint: disable=import-error
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
import time

from emodelrunner.GUI_utils.simulator import NeuronSimulation
from emodelrunner.GUI_utils.frames import FrameMain, FrameConfig, FrameSynapses
from import define_style, set_matplotlib_style

[docs] class GUI: """GUI class. Contains all frames and simulation. Attributes: simulation (NeuronSimulation): contains BluePyOpt simulation (and cell) data play (bool): if True, runs the simulation refresh_display_dt (float): timestep (s) for the display of figures plot_3d (bool): set to True to plot the cell shapes in 3D toolbar_on (bool): set to True to display the matplotlib toolbars figsize (str): figures size. can be "small", "medium", or "large". root (tk.Tk): root of the GUI style (ttk.Style): style of the tkinter objects frames (dict of ttk.Frames): main frames embedded in root reload (bool): if True, the simulation has to be reloaded """ def __init__(self, fps=15, config_path="config/config_allsteps.ini"): """Constructor. Args: fps (int): frames per second for the figure display config_path (str): path to the config file used by NeuronSimulation """ # init simulation self.simulation = NeuronSimulation(config_path=config_path) # load cell, simulation, and protocol(s) self.simulation.load_cell_sim() self.simulation.load_protocol() self.simulation.instantiate() self.simulation.load_synapse_display_data() # display params = False self.refresh_display_dt = self.get_refresh_from_fps(fps) self.plot_3d = False self.toolbar_on = False self.figsize = "medium" # Tkinter self.root = tk.Tk() self.root.title("ME-type models launcher & visualisation interface") # ttk style = ttk.Style()"clam") # to be able to change background, etc. on macos define_style( set_matplotlib_style() # frames self.frames = {} self.create_frames() self.reload = False
[docs] @staticmethod def get_refresh_from_fps(fps): """Get refresh rate from fps. Args: fps (float): number of frames per second to be displayed Returns: float: refresh time (s) """ return 1.0 / fps
[docs] def create_frames(self): """Creates the frames.""" self.frames["FrameMain"] = FrameMain(self.root, self) self.frames["FrameConfig"] = FrameConfig(self.root, self) title_synapses = ttk.Label(self.root, text="Synapse Stimuli configuration") self.frames["FrameSynapses"] = FrameSynapses(self.root, self, title_synapses) self.frames["FrameConfig"].grid( row=0, column=0, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E, tk.N, tk.S), padx=2, pady=2 ) self.frames["FrameMain"].grid( row=0, column=1, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E, tk.N, tk.S), pady=2 ) self.frames["FrameSynapses"].grid( row=0, column=2, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E, tk.N, tk.S), padx=2, pady=2 ) self.root.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.root.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) self.root.columnconfigure(2, weight=1) self.root.rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
[docs] def update_figures(self): """Update the figures.""" self.frames["FrameMain"].display(self.root, self.simulation)
[docs] def check_v_change(self): """Checks the voltage change in the cell sections. Update display if change is significant. Returns: bool: True if the cell morphology with color-coded voltage figure has been updated """ return self.frames["FrameMain"].check_change(self.root, self.simulation)
[docs] def clear_voltage_figure(self): """Clear the voltage figure.""" self.frames["FrameMain"].restart_volt()
[docs] def config_has_changed(self): """Stop the simulation when the user has changed configuration.""" self.reload = True self.end_simul() # stop simul and disable continue button
[docs] def run_simul(self, check_dt=1.5): """Main loop for running simulation. Args: check_dt (float): check for significant voltage change every check_dt (ms) (simulation time) """ # for refreshing rate t1 = time.time() # for fine display of peaks last_t = self.simulation.sim.neuron.h.t # = 0 while ( and self.simulation.sim.neuron.h.t < self.simulation.sim.neuron.h.tstop - self.simulation.sim.neuron.h.dt / 2 ): self.simulation.sim.neuron.h.fadvance() if self.simulation.sim.neuron.h.t > last_t + check_dt: last_t = self.simulation.sim.neuron.h.t # check for big change in voltage. Update display if big change found. updated = self.check_v_change() if updated: t1 = time.time() if time.time() - t1 > self.refresh_display_dt: self.update_figures() last_t = self.simulation.sim.neuron.h.t t1 = time.time() self.update_figures() = False if ( self.simulation.sim.neuron.h.t >= self.simulation.sim.neuron.h.tstop - self.simulation.sim.neuron.h.dt / 2 ): # change buttons state self.end_simul()
[docs] def start(self): """Start the simulation from beginning. Reload simulation config if needed.""" # if config has changed: reload cell, sim, protocol, and figure frame if self.reload: self.reload_params() else: # destroy last simulation (i.e. this is not a start but a restart) if self.simulation.sim.neuron.h.t > 0: self.simulation.destroy() self.simulation.sim.neuron.h.t = 0 self.clear_voltage_figure() # instantiate if self.simulation.cell.icell is None: self.simulation.instantiate() # change buttons state self.frames["FrameMain"].simul_running() # run = True self.run_simul()
[docs] def reload_params(self): """Reload cell, protocol, simulation, figure frame.""" # destroy before reload self.simulation.destroy() # destroy cell, sim and protocol, not config data # reload cell & protocol self.simulation.load_cell_sim() self.simulation.load_protocol() self.simulation.instantiate() # clear voltage data self.clear_voltage_figure() # display figures after simulation has been reset self.frames["FrameMain"].display(self.root, self.simulation) self.root.update() # remember that all changes have been loaded self.reload = False
[docs] def reload_figure_frame(self): """Reload figure frame.""" self.end_simul() self.frames["FrameMain"].destroy() # reload figure frame self.frames["FrameMain"] = FrameMain(self.root, self) self.frames["FrameMain"].grid( row=0, column=1, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E, tk.N, tk.S), pady=2 ) self.frames["FrameMain"].update_syn_display(self.root, self.simulation) self.root.update()
[docs] def pause(self): """Pause the simulation.""" # change buttons state self.frames["FrameMain"].simul_on_pause() = False
[docs] def continue_simul(self): """Unpause the simulation.""" # change buttons state self.frames["FrameMain"].simul_running() # run = True self.run_simul()
[docs] def end_simul(self): """End the simulation.""" self.frames["FrameMain"].simul_ended() = False