Source code for emodelrunner.configuration.validator

"""Configuration validation."""

# Copyright 2020-2022 Blue Brain Project / EPFL

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import logging
import pprint
from pathlib import Path
from abc import ABC
from ast import literal_eval

from schema import Schema, And, Or

from emodelrunner.configuration.configparser import EModelConfigParser

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class ConfigValidator(ABC): """Validates the config through a validation schema. Schema validation rules usage: - int: checks if the value is int. - Or("python", "neuron"): allows either "python" or "neuron". - And(str, len): string with length > 0 - Any named function or lambda expression that evaluates to True is valid. """ config_validator_schema = Schema({}) default_values = {}
[docs] @staticmethod def evaluates_to(n, data_type): """Checks if the expression n evaluates to the data_type. Args: n (str): the parameter value to be evaluated data_type (type): the datatype e.g. int, float, str, list Returns: bool: true n evaluates to the input data type, false otherwise. """ return isinstance(literal_eval(n), data_type)
[docs] @classmethod def int_expression(cls, n): """Check if n evaluates to an int literal. Args: n (str): the parameter value to be evaluated Returns: bool: true if the expression n evaluates to int, false otherwise """ return cls.evaluates_to(n, int)
[docs] @classmethod def float_or_int_expression(cls, n): """Check if n evaluates to a float or an integer literal. Args: n (str): the parameter value to be evaluated Returns: bool: true if the expression n evaluates to float, false otherwise """ return cls.evaluates_to(n, float) or cls.evaluates_to(n, int)
[docs] @staticmethod def list_of_nonempty_str(list_instance): """Check if the input is a list of nonempty strings. The list itself can be empty but it cannot contain an empty string. Args: list_instance (str): a string that evaluates to list. Returns: bool: true if the expression evaluates to list of non-empty strings. """ list_instance = literal_eval(list_instance) return all(isinstance(s, str) and len(s) for s in list_instance)
[docs] @staticmethod def boolean_expression(bool_input): """Checks if the expression has an expected boolean value. configparser.ConfigParser.getboolean() method evaluates this value. Args: bool_input (str): string containing boolean input. Returns: bool: True if the input is in the list of expected inputs. """ return bool_input in ["True", "False", "true", "false", "1", "0"]
[docs] def validate_from_file(self, config_path): """Validates the config at the given path and returns it. Args: config_path (str or Path): path to the .ini configuration file. Returns: configparser.ConfigParser: the validated config. Raises: FileNotFoundError: if config_path does not exist. """ config = self._get_unvalidated_config(config_path) confdict = { section: dict(config.items(section)) for section in config.sections() } validated_conf = self.config_validator_schema.validate(confdict)"The loaded parameters are:")"The config file is valid.") return config
def _get_unvalidated_config(self, config_path): """Returns the config at the given path and fill unset values with default values. Args: config_path (str or Path): path to the .ini configuration file. Returns: configparser.ConfigParser: the config. Raises: FileNotFoundError: if config_path does not exist. """ if not Path(config_path).exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"config file at {config_path} is not found.") config = EModelConfigParser() # set defaults config.read_dict(self.default_values) return config
[docs] class SSCXConfigValidator(ConfigValidator): """Validates the SSCX config through a validation schema.""" default_values = { "Package": {"type": "sscx"}, "Cell": { "celsius": "34", "v_init": "-80", "gid": "0", }, "Protocol": { # -1 means there is no apical point "apical_point_isec": "-1", }, "Morphology": { "do_replace_axon": "True", # is only used for naming the output files "mtype": "", }, "Sim": { "cvode_active": "False", "dt": "0.025", }, "Synapses": { "add_synapses": "False", "seed": "846515", "rng_settings_mode": "Random123", # can be "Random123" or "Compatibility" # name to use for the hoc synapse template "hoc_synapse_template_name": "hoc_synapses", }, "Paths": { "memodel_dir": ".", "output_dir": "%(memodel_dir)s/python_recordings", "params_path": "%(memodel_dir)s/config/params/final.json", "templates_dir": "%(memodel_dir)s/templates", "cell_template_path": "%(templates_dir)s/cell_template_neurodamus.jinja2", "run_hoc_template_path": "%(templates_dir)s/run_hoc.jinja2", "createsimulation_template_path": "%(templates_dir)s/createsimulation.jinja2", "synapses_template_path": "%(templates_dir)s/synapses.jinja2", "main_protocol_template_path": "%(templates_dir)s/main_protocol.jinja2", "features_hoc_template_path": "%(templates_dir)s/features.hoc", "replace_axon_hoc_path": "%(templates_dir)s/replace_axon_hoc.hoc", "syn_dir_for_hoc": "%(memodel_dir)s/synapses", "syn_dir": "%(memodel_dir)s/synapses", "syn_data_file": "synapses.tsv", "syn_conf_file": "synconf.txt", "syn_hoc_file": "synapses.hoc", "syn_mtype_map": "mtype_map.tsv", "simul_hoc_file": "createsimulation.hoc", "cell_hoc_file": "cell.hoc", "run_hoc_file": "run.hoc", "main_protocol_file": "main_protocol.hoc", "features_hoc_file": "features.hoc", }, } def __init__(self): """Define the schema through validation rules.""" self.config_validator_schema = Schema( { "Package": {"type": lambda n: n.lower() == "sscx"}, "Cell": { "celsius": self.float_or_int_expression, "v_init": self.float_or_int_expression, "gid": self.int_expression, "emodel": And(str, len), }, "Protocol": { "apical_point_isec": self.int_expression, }, "Morphology": { "mtype": And(str, len), "do_replace_axon": self.boolean_expression, }, "Sim": { "cvode_active": self.boolean_expression, "dt": self.float_or_int_expression, }, "Synapses": { "add_synapses": self.boolean_expression, "seed": self.int_expression, "rng_settings_mode": Or("Random123", "Compatibility"), "hoc_synapse_template_name": And(str, len), }, "Paths": { "morph_path": lambda n: Path(n).exists(), "prot_path": lambda n: Path(n).exists(), "features_path": lambda n: Path(n).exists(), "unoptimized_params_path": lambda n: Path(n).exists(), "memodel_dir": lambda n: Path(n).exists(), "output_dir": lambda n: Path(n).exists(), "params_path": lambda n: Path(n).exists(), "templates_dir": lambda n: Path(n).exists(), "cell_template_path": lambda n: Path(n).exists(), "run_hoc_template_path": lambda n: Path(n).exists(), "createsimulation_template_path": lambda n: Path(n).exists(), "synapses_template_path": lambda n: Path(n).exists(), "main_protocol_template_path": lambda n: Path(n).exists(), "features_hoc_template_path": lambda n: Path(n).exists(), "replace_axon_hoc_path": lambda n: Path(n).exists(), "syn_dir_for_hoc": lambda n: Path(n).exists(), "syn_dir": lambda n: Path(n).exists(), "syn_data_file": And(str, len), "syn_conf_file": And(str, len), "syn_hoc_file": And(str, len), "syn_mtype_map": And(str, len), "simul_hoc_file": And(str, len), "cell_hoc_file": And(str, len), "run_hoc_file": And(str, len), "main_protocol_file": And(str, len), "features_hoc_file": And(str, len), }, } )
[docs] class ThalamusConfigValidator(ConfigValidator): """Validates the Thalamus config through a validation schema.""" default_values = { "Package": {"type": "thalamus"}, "Cell": { "celsius": "34", "v_init": "-80", "gid": "0", }, "Protocol": { # -1 means there is no apical point "apical_point_isec": "-1", }, "Morphology": { "do_replace_axon": "True", # is only used for naming the output files "mtype": "", }, "Sim": { "cvode_active": "False", "dt": "0.025", }, "Synapses": { "add_synapses": "False", "seed": "846515", "rng_settings_mode": "Random123", # can be "Random123" or "Compatibility" }, "Paths": { "memodel_dir": ".", "output_dir": "%(memodel_dir)s/python_recordings", "params_path": "%(memodel_dir)s/config/params/final.json", "syn_dir": "%(memodel_dir)s/synapses", "syn_data_file": "synapses.tsv", "syn_conf_file": "synconf.txt", "syn_mtype_map": "mtype_map.tsv", }, } def __init__(self): """Define the schema through validation rules.""" self.config_validator_schema = Schema( { "Package": {"type": lambda n: n.lower() == "thalamus"}, "Cell": { "celsius": self.float_or_int_expression, "v_init": self.float_or_int_expression, "gid": self.int_expression, "emodel": And(str, len), }, "Protocol": { "apical_point_isec": self.int_expression, }, "Morphology": { "mtype": And(str, len), "do_replace_axon": self.boolean_expression, }, "Sim": { "cvode_active": self.boolean_expression, "dt": self.float_or_int_expression, }, "Synapses": { "add_synapses": self.boolean_expression, "seed": self.int_expression, "rng_settings_mode": Or("Random123", "Compatibility"), }, "Paths": { "morph_path": lambda n: Path(n).exists(), "prot_path": lambda n: Path(n).exists(), "features_path": lambda n: Path(n).exists(), "unoptimized_params_path": lambda n: Path(n).exists(), "memodel_dir": lambda n: Path(n).exists(), "output_dir": lambda n: Path(n).exists(), "params_path": lambda n: Path(n).exists(), "syn_dir": lambda n: Path(n).exists(), "syn_data_file": And(str, len), "syn_conf_file": And(str, len), "syn_mtype_map": And(str, len), }, } )
[docs] class SynplasConfigValidator(ConfigValidator): """Validates the Synplas config through a validation schema.""" default_values = { "Package": {"type": "synplas"}, "Paths": { "memodel_dir": ".", "params_path": "%(memodel_dir)s/config/params/final.json", "synplas_fit_params_path": "%(memodel_dir)s/config/fit_params.json", "syn_dir": "%(memodel_dir)s/synapses", "syn_data_file": "synapses.tsv", "syn_conf_file": "synconf.txt", "synplas_output_path": "%(memodel_dir)s/output.h5", "pairsim_output_path": "%(memodel_dir)s/output.h5", "pairsim_precell_output_path": "%(memodel_dir)s/output_precell.h5", "syn_prop_path": "%(syn_dir)s/synapse_properties.json", }, "Morphology": { "do_replace_axon": "True", }, "Synapses": { "seed": "846515", "rng_settings_mode": "Random123", # can be "Random123" or "Compatibility" }, } def __init__(self): """Define the schema through validation rules.""" self.config_validator_schema = Schema( { "Package": {"type": lambda n: n.lower() == "synplas"}, "Cell": { "celsius": self.float_or_int_expression, "v_init": self.float_or_int_expression, "emodel": And(str, len), "precell_emodel": And(str, len), "gid": self.int_expression, "precell_gid": self.int_expression, }, "Morphology": { "do_replace_axon": self.boolean_expression, }, "Paths": { "morph_path": lambda n: Path(n).exists(), "precell_morph_path": lambda n: Path(n).exists(), "unoptimized_params_path": lambda n: Path(n).exists(), "memodel_dir": lambda n: Path(n).exists(), "params_path": lambda n: Path(n).exists(), "precell_unoptimized_params_path": lambda n: Path(n).exists(), "synplas_fit_params_path": lambda n: Path(n).exists(), "syn_dir": lambda n: Path(n).exists(), "syn_data_file": And(str, len), "syn_conf_file": And(str, len), "stimuli_path": lambda n: Path(n).exists(), "spiketrain_path": lambda n: Path(n).exists(), "syn_prop_path": lambda n: Path(n).exists(), # cannot validate output paths before the files are created, # so check that it is a str "synplas_output_path": And(str, len), "pairsim_output_path": And(str, len), "pairsim_precell_output_path": And(str, len), }, "Protocol": { "tstop": self.float_or_int_expression, "precell_amplitude": self.float_or_int_expression, "precell_width": self.float_or_int_expression, "precell_spikedelay": self.float_or_int_expression, }, "Synapses": { "seed": self.int_expression, "rng_settings_mode": Or("Random123", "Compatibility"), }, "SynapsePlasticity": { "fastforward": self.float_or_int_expression, "invivo": self.boolean_expression, "base_seed": self.int_expression, "synrec": self.list_of_nonempty_str, }, } )
[docs] def get_validated_config(config_path): """Returns the validated config for the specified package type. Args: config_path (str or Path): path to the configuration file. Returns: configparser.ConfigParser: loaded config object """ package_type = determine_package_type(config_path) if package_type == "sscx": conf_validator = SSCXConfigValidator() elif package_type == "thalamus": conf_validator = ThalamusConfigValidator() elif package_type == "synplas": conf_validator = SynplasConfigValidator() else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported config type: {package_type}") validated_config = conf_validator.validate_from_file(config_path) return validated_config
[docs] def determine_package_type(config_path): """Returns the package type from the config file. Supports old synplas config files without the Package type. Args: config_path (str or Path): path to the configuration file. Returns: str: package type """ # pylint: disable=protected-access unvalidated_config = ConfigValidator()._get_unvalidated_config(config_path) if "SynapsePlasticity" in unvalidated_config: return "synplas" else: return unvalidated_config.get("Package", "type").lower()