Source code for emodelrunner.create_cells

"""Functions to create cells."""

# Copyright 2020-2022 Blue Brain Project / EPFL

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import os

from emodelrunner.cell import CellModelCustom
from emodelrunner.load import (
from emodelrunner.morphology import create_morphology
from emodelrunner.configuration import PackageType

[docs] def create_cell( unopt_params_path, emodel, add_synapses, morph, gid, syn_mech_args=None, use_glu_synapse=False, fixhp=False, syn_setup_params=None, v_init=-80, celsius=34, ): """Create a cell. Args: unopt_params_path (str): path to the unoptimized parameters json file emodel (str): name to give to the cell model add_synapses (bool): whether to add synapses to the cell morph (ephys.morphologies.NrnFileMorphology): morphology object gid (int): cell model ID syn_mech_args (SynMechArgs): synapse-related configuration use_glu_synapse (bool): whether to use GluSynapseCustom class for synapses fixhp (bool): to uninsert SK_E2 for hyperpolarization in cell model syn_setup_params (dict): contains extra parameters to setup synapses when using GluSynapseCustom v_init (int): initial voltage (mV) celsius (int): cell temperature (celsius) Returns: CellModelCustom: cell model """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-locals, too-many-positional-arguments # load mechanisms mechs = load_mechanisms(unopt_params_path) # add synapses mechs if add_synapses: mechs += [ load_syn_mechs( syn_mech_args.seed, syn_mech_args.rng_settings_mode, os.path.join(syn_mech_args.syn_dir, syn_mech_args.syn_data_file), os.path.join(syn_mech_args.syn_dir, syn_mech_args.syn_conf_file), use_glu_synapse=use_glu_synapse, syn_setup_params=syn_setup_params, ) ] # load parameters params = load_unoptimized_parameters(unopt_params_path, v_init, celsius) # create cell cell = CellModelCustom( name=emodel, morph=morph, mechs=mechs, params=params, gid=gid, add_synapses=add_synapses, fixhp=fixhp, ) return cell
[docs] def create_cell_using_config(config): """Create a cell given configuration. Args: config (configparser.ConfigParser): configuration Raises: ValueError: raised when package_type is not supported Returns: CellModelCustom: cell model """ unopt_params_path = config.get("Paths", "unoptimized_params_path") # get synapse config data add_synapses = config.getboolean("Synapses", "add_synapses") syn_mech_args = config.syn_mech_args() # get morphology config data if config.package_type in [PackageType.sscx, PackageType.thalamus]: morph = create_morphology(config.morph_args(), config.package_type) else: raise ValueError(f"unsupported package type: {config.package_type}") return create_cell( unopt_params_path, config.get("Cell", "emodel"), add_synapses, morph, config.getint("Cell", "gid"), syn_mech_args, v_init=config.getfloat("Cell", "v_init"), celsius=config.getfloat("Cell", "celsius"), )
[docs] def get_postcell( config, fixhp=False, syn_setup_params=None, ): """Return the postcell for synapse plasticity run. Args: config (configparser.ConfigParser): configuration fixhp (bool): to uninsert SK_E2 for hyperpolarization in cell model syn_setup_params (dict): contains extra parameters to setup synapses when using GluSynapseCustom Returns: CellModelCustom: post-synaptic cell model """ emodel = config.get("Cell", "emodel") gid = config.getint("Cell", "gid") base_seed = config.getint("SynapsePlasticity", "base_seed") v_init = config.getfloat("Cell", "v_init") celsius = config.getfloat("Cell", "celsius") unopt_params_path = config.get("Paths", "unoptimized_params_path") # rewrite seed and rng setting mode over basic emodelrunner config defaults syn_mech_args = config.syn_mech_args( add_synapses=True, seed=base_seed, rng_settings_mode="Compatibility" ) morph = create_morphology(config.synplas_morph_args(), config.package_type) add_synapses = True cell = create_cell( unopt_params_path, emodel, add_synapses, morph, gid, syn_mech_args, use_glu_synapse=True, fixhp=fixhp, syn_setup_params=syn_setup_params, v_init=v_init, celsius=celsius, ) return cell
[docs] def get_precell( config, fixhp=False, ): """Return the precell for synapse plasticity pair simulation run. Args: config (configparser.ConfigParser): configuration fixhp (bool): to uninsert SK_E2 for hyperpolarization in cell model Returns: CellModelCustom: pre-synaptic cell model """ emodel = config.get("Cell", "emodel") gid = config.getint("Cell", "gid") v_init = config.getfloat("Cell", "v_init") celsius = config.getfloat("Cell", "celsius") unopt_params_path = config.get("Paths", "precell_unoptimized_params_path") morph = create_morphology( config.synplas_morph_args(precell=True), config.package_type ) add_synapses = False cell = create_cell( unopt_params_path, emodel, add_synapses, morph, gid, fixhp=fixhp, v_init=v_init, celsius=celsius, ) return cell