Source code for emodelrunner.create_hoc_tools

"""Creates .hoc from cell."""

# Copyright 2020-2022 Blue Brain Project / EPFL

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
from datetime import datetime
import jinja2

from bluepyopt.ephys.create_hoc import (

from emodelrunner import __version__

[docs] class HocStimuliCreator: """Class to create the stimuli in hoc. Attributes: apical_point_isec (int): section index of the apical point Set to -1 if there is no apical point n_stims (int): total number of protocols to be run by hoc. Gets incremented during initiation to enumerate the protocols. max_steps (int): A StepProtocol can have multiple steps. This attribute counts the maximum steps that the StepProtocol with the most steps has. Stays at 0 if there is no StepProtocol. reset_step_stimuli (str): hoc script resetting the step stimuli objects to be put inhoc file. init_step_stimuli (str): hoc script initiating the step stimuli objects to be put in hoc file. stims_hoc (str): hoc script containing all the protocols to be run by hoc. The Protocols supported by this library to be converted to hoc are: - StepProtocol - StepThresholdProtocol (only inside Main Protocol) - RampProtocol - RampThresholdProtocol (only inside Main Protocol) - Vecstim - Netstim extra_recs_vars (str): names of the extra recordings hoc variables Have the form ', var1, var2, ..., var_n' to be added to the hoc variable declaration extra_recs (str): hoc script to declare the extra recordings """ def __init__(self, prot_definitions, mtype, add_synapses, apical_point_isec): """Get stimuli in hoc to put in createsimulation.hoc. Args: prot_definitions (dict): dictionary defining the protocols. Should have the structure of the protocol file in example/sscx/config/protocols mtype (str): mtype of the cell. prefix to use in the output files names add_synapses (bool): whether to add synapses to the cell apical_point_isec (int): section index of the apical point Set to -1 if there is no apical point """ self.apical_point_isec = apical_point_isec self.n_stims = 0 self.max_steps = 0 self.reset_step_stimuli = "" self.init_step_stimuli = "" self.stims_hoc = "" self.extra_recs_vars = "" self.extra_recs = "" for prot_name, prot in prot_definitions.items(): if "extra_recordings" in prot: self.add_extra_recs(prot["extra_recordings"]) # reset stimuli and synapses before every protocol run self.stims_hoc += """ reset_cell() """ if "type" in prot and ( prot["type"] == "StepProtocol" or prot["type"] == "StepThresholdProtocol" ): self.n_stims += 1 step_hoc = self.get_step_hoc(prot) self.stims_hoc += step_hoc self.stims_hoc += """ simulate() """ self.stims_hoc += self.add_save_recordings_hoc(mtype, prot_name, prot) elif "type" in prot and ( prot["type"] == "RampProtocol" or prot["type"] == "RampThresholdProtocol" ): self.n_stims += 1 ramp_hoc = self.get_ramp_hoc(prot) self.stims_hoc += ramp_hoc self.stims_hoc += """ simulate() """ self.stims_hoc += self.add_save_recordings_hoc(mtype, prot_name, prot) elif "type" in prot and prot["type"] == "Vecstim" and add_synapses: self.n_stims += 1 vecstim_hoc = self.get_vecstim_hoc(prot) self.stims_hoc += vecstim_hoc self.stims_hoc += """ simulate() """ self.stims_hoc += self.add_save_recordings_hoc(mtype, prot_name, prot) elif "type" in prot and prot["type"] == "Netstim" and add_synapses: self.n_stims += 1 netstim_hoc = self.get_netstim_hoc(prot) self.stims_hoc += netstim_hoc self.stims_hoc += """ simulate() """ self.stims_hoc += self.add_save_recordings_hoc(mtype, prot_name, prot) self.get_reset_step() self.get_init_step()
[docs] def add_extra_recs(self, extra_recs): """Add extra recordings to the recordings settings. Args: extra_recs (list): list of dicts defining the extra recordings """ for extra_rec in extra_recs: name = extra_rec["name"] seclist_name = extra_rec["seclist_name"] var = extra_rec["var"] if name not in self.extra_recs_vars.split(", "): self.extra_recs_vars += f", {name}" if extra_rec["type"] == "nrnseclistcomp": sec_index = extra_rec["sec_index"] comp_x = extra_rec["comp_x"] self.extra_recs += f""" {name} = new Vector() cell.{seclist_name}[{sec_index}] {name}.record(&{var}({comp_x}), 0.1) """ elif extra_rec["type"] == "somadistance": somadistance = extra_rec["somadistance"] self.extra_recs += f""" {name} = new Vector() secref = find_isec_at_soma_distance(cell.{seclist_name}, {somadistance}) comp_x = find_comp_x_at_soma_distance(secref, {somadistance}) secref.sec {name}.record(&{var}(comp_x), 0.1) """ elif extra_rec["type"] == "somadistanceapic": somadistance = extra_rec["somadistance"] self.extra_recs += f""" {name} = new Vector() apical_branch = get_apical_branch({self.apical_point_isec}) secref = find_isec_at_soma_distance(apical_branch, {somadistance}) comp_x = find_comp_x_at_soma_distance(secref, {somadistance}) secref.sec {name}.record(&{var}(comp_x), 0.1) """
[docs] @staticmethod def add_save_recordings_hoc(mtype, prot_name, prot): """Add this to the hoc file to save the recordings. Args: mtype (str): mtype of the cell. prefix to use in the output files names prot_name (str): name of the protocol. used in the output files names prot (dict): dictionary defining the protocol Returns: str: hoc scipt to save the recordings of given protocol. """ save_recs = f""" sprint(fpath.s, "hoc_recordings/{mtype}.{prot_name}.soma.v.dat") timevoltage = new Matrix(time.size(), 2) timevoltage.setcol(0, time) timevoltage.setcol(1, voltage) write_output_file(fpath, timevoltage) """ if "extra_recordings" in prot: for extra_rec in prot["extra_recordings"]: var = extra_rec["var"] name = extra_rec["name"] save_recs += f""" sprint(fpath.s, "hoc_recordings/{mtype}.{prot_name}.{name}.{var}.dat") timevoltage = new Matrix(time.size(), 2) timevoltage.setcol(0, time) timevoltage.setcol(1, {name}) write_output_file(fpath, timevoltage) """ return save_recs
[docs] def get_step_hoc(self, prot): """Get step stimuli in hoc format from step protocol dict. Args: prot (dict): dictionary defining the step protocol Returns: str: hoc script declaring one or more step stimuli """ step_hoc = "" step_definitions = prot["stimuli"]["step"] if isinstance(step_definitions, dict): step_definitions = [step_definitions] for i, step in enumerate(step_definitions): self.max_steps = max(self.max_steps, i + 1) if step["amp"] is None: amp = f"{step['thresh_perc'] / 100.} * threshold_current" else: amp = step["amp"] step_hoc += f""" step_stimulus_{i} = new IClamp(0.5) step_stimulus_{i}.dur = {step["duration"]} step_stimulus_{i}.del = {step["delay"]} step_stimulus_{i}.amp = {amp} cell.soma step_stimulus_{i} """ step_hoc += f"tstop={step_definitions[0]['totduration']}" if "holding" in prot["stimuli"]: hold = prot["stimuli"]["holding"] if hold["amp"] is None: amp = "holding_current" else: amp = hold["amp"] step_hoc += f""" holding_stimulus = new IClamp(0.5) holding_stimulus.dur = {hold["duration"]} holding_stimulus.del = {hold["delay"]} holding_stimulus.amp = {amp} cell.soma holding_stimulus """ elif prot["type"] == "StepThresholdProtocol": step_hoc += f""" holding_stimulus = new IClamp(0.5) holding_stimulus.dur = {step_definitions[0]['totduration']} holding_stimulus.del = 0.0 holding_stimulus.amp = holding_current cell.soma holding_stimulus """ return step_hoc
[docs] @staticmethod def get_ramp_hoc(prot): """Get ramp stimuli in hoc format from ramp protocol dict. Args: prot (dict): dictionary defining the ramp protocol Returns: str: hoc script declaring the ramp stimulus """ ramp_hoc = "" ramp_definition = prot["stimuli"]["ramp"] # create time and amplitude of stimulus vectors if ramp_definition["ramp_amplitude_start"] is None: amp_start = ( f"{ramp_definition['thresh_perc_start'] / 100.} * threshold_current" ) else: amp_start = ramp_definition["ramp_amplitude_start"] if ramp_definition["ramp_amplitude_end"] is None: amp_end = f"{ramp_definition['thresh_perc_end'] / 100.} * threshold_current" else: amp_end = ramp_definition["ramp_amplitude_end"] ramp_hoc += """ ramp_times = new Vector() ramp_amps = new Vector() ramp_times.append(0.0) ramp_amps.append(0.0) ramp_times.append({delay}) ramp_amps.append(0.0) ramp_times.append({delay}) ramp_amps.append({amplitude_start}) ramp_times.append({delay} + {duration}) ramp_amps.append({amplitude_end}) ramp_times.append({delay} + {duration}) ramp_amps.append(0.0) ramp_times.append({total_duration}) ramp_amps.append(0.0) """.format( delay=ramp_definition["ramp_delay"], amplitude_start=amp_start, duration=ramp_definition["ramp_duration"], amplitude_end=amp_end, total_duration=ramp_definition["totduration"], ) ramp_hoc += f""" ramp_stimulus = new IClamp(0.5) ramp_stimulus.dur = {ramp_definition["totduration"]}, ramp_times, 1) cell.soma ramp_stimulus """ ramp_hoc += f"tstop={ramp_definition['totduration']}" if "holding" in prot["stimuli"]: hold = prot["stimuli"]["holding"] if hold["amp"] is None: amp = "holding_current" else: amp = hold["amp"] ramp_hoc += f""" holding_stimulus = new IClamp(0.5) holding_stimulus.dur = {hold["duration"]} holding_stimulus.del = {hold["delay"]} holding_stimulus.amp = {amp} cell.soma holding_stimulus """ elif prot["type"] == "RampThresholdProtocol": ramp_hoc += f""" holding_stimulus = new IClamp(0.5) holding_stimulus.dur = {ramp_definition['totduration']} holding_stimulus.del = 0.0 holding_stimulus.amp = holding_current cell.soma holding_stimulus """ return ramp_hoc
[docs] @staticmethod def get_vecstim_hoc(prot): """Get vecstim stimulus in hoc format from vecstim protocol dict. Args: prot (dict): dictionary defining the vecstim protocol Returns: str: hoc script declaring the vecstim stimuli """ stim = prot["stimuli"] vecstim_hoc = f"tstop={stim['syn_stop']}\n" hoc_synapse_creation = ( "cell.synapses.create_netcons " + "({mode},{t0},{tf},{itv},{n_spike},{noise},{seed})" ) vecstim_hoc += hoc_synapse_creation.format( mode=0, t0=stim["syn_start"], tf=stim["syn_stop"], itv=0, n_spike=0, noise=0, seed=stim["syn_stim_seed"], ) return vecstim_hoc
[docs] @staticmethod def get_netstim_hoc(prot): """Get netstim stimulus in hoc format from netstim protocol dict. Args: prot (dict): dictionary defining the netstim protocol Returns: str: hoc script declaring the netstim simuli """ stim = prot["stimuli"] netstim_hoc = f"tstop={stim['syn_stop']}\n" hoc_synapse_creation = ( "cell.synapses.create_netcons" + "({mode},{t0},{tf},{itv},{n_spike},{noise},{seed})" ) netstim_hoc += hoc_synapse_creation.format( mode=1, t0=stim["syn_start"], tf=stim["syn_stop"], itv=stim["syn_interval"], n_spike=stim["syn_nmb_of_spikes"], noise=stim["syn_noise"], seed=0, ) return netstim_hoc
[docs] def get_reset_step(self): """Hoc script reseting all step stimuli needed by all the step protocols.""" for i in range(max(self.max_steps, 1)): self.reset_step_stimuli += """ step_stimulus_{i} = new IClamp(0.5) step_stimulus_{i}.dur = 0.0 step_stimulus_{i}.del = 0.0 step_stimulus_{i}.amp = 0.0 cell.soma step_stimulus_{i} """.format( i=i )
[docs] def get_init_step(self): """Hoc script initiating all step stimuli needed by all the step protocols.""" for i in range(max(self.max_steps, 1)): self.init_step_stimuli += f""" objref step_stimulus_{i} """
[docs] def create_run_hoc(template_path, main_protocol): """Returns a string containing run.hoc. Args: template_path (str): path to the template to fill in main_protocol (bool): whether the Main Protocol is used or not Returns: str: hoc script to run the simulation """ # load template with open(template_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as template_file: template = template = jinja2.Template(template) # edit template return template.render( main_protocol=main_protocol, )
[docs] def create_synapse_hoc( syn_mech_args, syn_hoc_dir, template_path, gid, dt, synapses_template_name="hoc_synapses", ): """Returns a string containing the synapse hoc. Args: syn_mech_args (SynMechArgs): synapse-related configuration syn_hoc_dir (str): path to directory containing synapse-related data template_path (str): path to the template to fill in gid (int): cell ID dt (float): timestep (ms) synapses_template_name (str): template name of the synapse class Returns: str: hoc script with the synapse class template """ # load template with open(template_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as template_file: template = template = jinja2.Template(template) # edit template return template.render( TEMPLATENAME=synapses_template_name, GID=gid, SEED=syn_mech_args.seed, rng_settings_mode=syn_mech_args.rng_settings_mode, syn_dir=syn_hoc_dir, syn_conf_file=syn_mech_args.syn_conf_file, syn_data_file=syn_mech_args.syn_data_file, dt=dt, )
[docs] def create_hoc( mechs, parameters, ignored_globals=(), replace_axon=None, template_name="CCell", template_path="templates/cell_template.jinja2", disable_banner=None, add_synapses=False, synapses_template_name="hoc_synapses", syn_hoc_filename="synapses.hoc", syn_dir="synapses", ): """Return a string containing the hoc template. Args: mechs (list of bluepyopt.ephys.mechanisms.Mechanisms): All the mechs for the hoc template parameters (list of bluepyopt.Parameters): All the parameters in the hoc template ignored_globals (iterable str): HOC coded is added for each NrnGlobalParameter that exists, to test that it matches the values set in the parameters. This iterable contains parameter names that aren't checked replace_axon (str): String replacement for the 'replace_axon' command. Must include 'proc replace_axon(){ ... } template_name (str): name of cell class in hoc template_path (str): path to the jinja2 template disable_banner (bool): if not True: a banner is added to the hoc file add_synapses (bool): if True: synapses are loaded in the hoc synapses_template_name (str): synapse class name in hoc syn_hoc_filename (str): file name of synapse hoc file syn_dir (str): directory where the synapse data /files are Returns: str: hoc script describing the cell model """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-positional-arguments with open(template_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as template_file: template = template = jinja2.Template(template) ( global_params, section_params, range_params, _, location_order, ) = generate_parameters(parameters) range_params = range_exprs_to_hoc(range_params) channels, _ = generate_channels_by_location(mechs, location_order) ignored_global_params = {} for ignored_global in ignored_globals: if ignored_global in global_params: ignored_global_params[ignored_global] = global_params[ignored_global] del global_params[ignored_global] if not disable_banner: banner = f"Created by EModelRunner({__version__}) at {}" else: banner = None re_init_rng = generate_reinitrng(mechs) return template.render( template_name=template_name, banner=banner, channels=channels, section_params=section_params, range_params=range_params, global_params=global_params, re_init_rng=re_init_rng, replace_axon=replace_axon, ignored_global_params=ignored_global_params, add_synapses=add_synapses, synapses_template_name=synapses_template_name, syn_hoc_filename=syn_hoc_filename, syn_dir=syn_dir, )
[docs] def create_simul_hoc( template_path, add_synapses, hoc_paths, constants_args, protocol_definitions, apical_point_isec=-1, ): """Create createsimulation.hoc file. Args: template_path (str): path to the template to fill in add_synapses (bool): whether to add synapses to the cell hoc_paths (HocPaths): contains paths of the hoc files to be created constants_args (dict): contains data about the constants of the simulation protocol_definitions (dict): dictionary defining the protocols. Should have the structure of the protocol file in example/sscx/config/protocols apical_point_isec (int): section index of the apical point Set to -1 if there is no apical point Returns: str: hoc script to create the simulation """ syn_dir = hoc_paths.syn_dir_for_hoc syn_hoc_file = hoc_paths.syn_hoc_filename cell_hoc_file = hoc_paths.cell_hoc_filename hoc_stim_creator = HocStimuliCreator( protocol_definitions, constants_args["mtype"], add_synapses, apical_point_isec, ) # load template with open(template_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as template_file: template = template = jinja2.Template(template) # edit template return template.render( cell_hoc_file=cell_hoc_file, add_synapses=add_synapses, syn_dir=syn_dir, syn_hoc_file=syn_hoc_file, celsius=constants_args["celsius"], v_init=constants_args["v_init"], dt=constants_args["dt"], template_name=constants_args["emodel"], gid=constants_args["gid"], morph_path=constants_args["morph_path"], run_simulation=hoc_stim_creator.stims_hoc, initiate_step_stimuli=hoc_stim_creator.init_step_stimuli, reset_step_stimuli=hoc_stim_creator.reset_step_stimuli, extra_recordings_vars=hoc_stim_creator.extra_recs_vars, extra_recordings=hoc_stim_creator.extra_recs, )
[docs] def create_main_protocol_hoc( template_path, protocol_definitions, rin_exp_voltage_base, mtype ): """Create main_protocol.hoc file. Args: template_path (str): path to the template to fill in protocol_definitions (dict): dictionary defining the protocols rin_exp_voltage_base (float): experimental value for the voltage_base feature for Rin protocol mtype (str): mtype of the cell. prefix to use in the output files names Returns: str: hoc script containing the main protocol functions """ with open(template_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as template_file: template = template = jinja2.Template(template) rmp_stim = protocol_definitions["RMP"]["stimuli"] rin_stim = protocol_definitions["Rin"]["stimuli"] thresh_stim = protocol_definitions["ThresholdDetection"]["step_template"]["stimuli"] # edit template return template.render( rmp_stimulus_dur=rmp_stim["step"]["duration"], rmp_stimulus_del=rmp_stim["step"]["delay"], rmp_stimulus_amp=rmp_stim["step"]["amp"], rmp_stimulus_totduration=rmp_stim["step"]["totduration"], rmp_output_path=f"hoc_recordings/{mtype}.RMP.soma.v.dat", rin_stimulus_dur=rin_stim["step"]["duration"], rin_stimulus_del=rin_stim["step"]["delay"], rin_stimulus_amp=rin_stim["step"]["amp"], rin_stimulus_totduration=rin_stim["step"]["totduration"], rin_holding_dur=rin_stim["holding"]["duration"], rin_holding_del=rin_stim["holding"]["delay"], holdi_precision=protocol_definitions["RinHoldcurrent"]["holdi_precision"], holdi_max_depth=protocol_definitions["RinHoldcurrent"]["holdi_max_depth"], voltagebase_exp_mean=rin_exp_voltage_base, rin_output_path=f"hoc_recordings/{mtype}.Rin.soma.v.dat", holding_current_output_path=f"hoc_recordings/{mtype}.bpo_holding_current.dat", thdetect_stimulus_del=thresh_stim["step"]["delay"], thdetect_stimulus_dur=thresh_stim["step"]["duration"], thdetect_stimulus_totduration=thresh_stim["step"]["totduration"], thdetect_holding_dur=thresh_stim["holding"]["duration"], thdetect_holding_del=thresh_stim["holding"]["delay"], threshold_current_output_path=f"hoc_recordings/{mtype}.bpo_threshold_current.dat", )