Source code for emodelrunner.factsheets.physiology_features

"""Physiology features extraction and representation."""

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import efel

[docs] def extract_physiology_features( time, voltage, current_amplitude, stim_start, stim_duration ): """Extract voltage_base, input_resistance and decay_time_constant features. Args: time (list): time corresponding to the voltage data of the trace (ms) voltage (list): voltage data of the trace (mV) current_amplitude (float): current amplitude of the stimulus (nA) stim_start (float): time at which the stimulus begins (ms) stim_duration (float): stimulus duration (ms) Returns: list containing voltage base, input resistance and decay time constant features """ # Prepare the trace data trace = {} trace["T"] = time trace["V"] = voltage trace["stim_start"] = [stim_start] trace["stim_end"] = [stim_start + stim_duration] # Calculate the necessary eFeatures efel_results = efel.getFeatureValues( [trace], [ "voltage_base", "steady_state_voltage_stimend", "decay_time_constant_after_stim", ], ) voltage_base = efel_results[0]["voltage_base"][0] dct = efel_results[0]["decay_time_constant_after_stim"][0] trace["decay_start_after_stim"] = efel_results[0]["voltage_base"] trace["stimulus_current"] = [current_amplitude] efel_results = efel.getFeatureValues([trace], ["ohmic_input_resistance_vb_ssse"]) input_resistance = efel_results[0]["ohmic_input_resistance_vb_ssse"][0] return [voltage_base, input_resistance, dct]
[docs] def physiology_features_wrapper(voltage_base, input_resistance, dct): """Wraps the extracted features into the dictionary format with names and units. Args: voltage_base (float): resting membrane potential (mV) input_resistance (float): input resistance (MOhm) dct (float): membrane time constant (ms) Returns: list containing dicts with each input feature name, value and unit """ factsheet_info = [] factsheet_info.append( {"name": "resting membrane potential", "value": voltage_base, "unit": "mV"} ) factsheet_info.append( {"name": "input resistance", "value": input_resistance, "unit": "MOhm"} ) factsheet_info.append( {"name": "membrane time constant", "value": dct, "unit": "ms"} ) return factsheet_info
[docs] def physiology_factsheet_info( time, voltage, current_amplitude, stim_start, stim_duration ): """Provides complete physiology information for the factsheet. Args: time (list): time corresponding to the voltage data of the trace (ms) voltage (list): voltage data of the trace (mV) current_amplitude (float): current amplitude of the stimulus (nA) stim_start (float): time at which the stimulus begins (ms) stim_duration (float): stimulus duration (ms) Returns: dict containing the physiology data """ voltage_base, input_resistance, dct = extract_physiology_features( time, voltage, current_amplitude, stim_start, stim_duration ) factsheet_info = physiology_features_wrapper(voltage_base, input_resistance, dct) return {"name": "Physiology", "values": factsheet_info}