Source code for emodelrunner.protocols.create_protocols

"""Protocol creation functions & custom protocol classes."""

import contextlib

# Copyright 2020-2022 Blue Brain Project / EPFL

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import logging

from bluepyopt import ephys

from emodelrunner.create_recordings import get_pairsim_recordings
from emodelrunner.create_stimuli import load_pulses
from emodelrunner.configuration import PackageType
from emodelrunner.protocols import synplas_protocols

from emodelrunner.synapses.recordings import SynapseRecordingCustom
from emodelrunner.stimuli import MultipleSteps
from emodelrunner.features import define_efeatures
from emodelrunner.protocols.reader import ProtocolParser
from emodelrunner.synapses.create_locations import get_syn_locs
from emodelrunner.synapses.stimuli import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class ProtocolBuilder: """Class representing the protocols applied in SSCX. Attributes: protocols (bluepyopt.ephys.protocols.SequenceProtocol): the protocols to apply to the cell """ def __init__(self, protocols): """Constructor to be called by the classmethod overloads. Args: protocols (bluepyopt.ephys.protocols.SequenceProtocol): protocols to apply to the cell """ self.protocols = protocols @staticmethod def _get_syn_locs(add_synapses, cell): """Wraps get_syn_locs with exception raising.""" syn_locs = None if add_synapses: if cell is not None: syn_locs = get_syn_locs(cell) else: raise RuntimeError("'None' value encountered in cell object.") return syn_locs
[docs] @classmethod def using_sscx_protocols(cls, add_synapses, prot_args, cell=None): """Creates the object with the sscx protocols. Args: add_synapses (bool): whether to add synapses to the cell prot_args (ProtArgs): config data relative to protocols cell (CellModelCustom): cell model Returns: ProtocolBuilder: the object with the sscx protocols """ syn_locs = cls._get_syn_locs(add_synapses, cell) protocols = create_protocols_object( apical_point_isec=prot_args.apical_point_isec, prot_path=prot_args.prot_path, package_type=PackageType.sscx, features_path=prot_args.features_path, mtype=prot_args.mtype, syn_locs=syn_locs, ) return cls(protocols)
[docs] @classmethod def using_thalamus_protocols(cls, add_synapses, prot_args, cell=None): """Creates the object with the thalamus protocols. Args: add_synapses (bool): whether to add synapses to the cell prot_args (ProtArgs): config data relative to protocols cell (CellModelCustom): cell model Returns: ProtocolBuilder: the object with the thalamus protocols """ syn_locs = cls._get_syn_locs(add_synapses, cell) protocols = create_protocols_object( apical_point_isec=prot_args.apical_point_isec, prot_path=prot_args.prot_path, package_type=PackageType.thalamus, features_path=prot_args.features_path, mtype=prot_args.mtype, syn_locs=syn_locs, ) return cls(protocols)
[docs] def get_ephys_protocols(self): """Returns the list of ephys protocol objects. Returns: bluepyopt.ephys.protocols.SequenceProtocol: the protocols to apply to the cell """ return self.protocols
[docs] def get_stim_currents(self, responses, dt): """Generates the currents injected by protocols. Args: responses (dict): the responses to the protocols run dt (float): timestep of the generated currents (ms) Returns: dict: the currents of the protocols. If the MainProtocol was used, only the RMP protocol, 'pre-protocols' and 'other protocols' currents are returned """ # find threshold and holding currents thres_i = None hold_i = None for key, resp in responses.items(): if "threshold_current" in key: thres_i = resp elif "holding_current" in key: hold_i = resp currents = {} for protocol in self.protocols.protocols: currents.update( protocol.generate_current( threshold_current=thres_i, holding_current=hold_i, dt=dt ) ) return currents
[docs] def get_thalamus_stim_currents(self, responses, mtype, dt): """Returns the currents injected by thalamus protocols. Args: responses (dict): protocol responses mtype (str): mtype to index the responses dt (float): timestep of the generated currents (ms) Raises: KeyError: when "dep" holding or threshold current is missing Returns: dict: the generated currents in a dict. """ thres_i_hyp = responses[f"{mtype}.bpo_threshold_current_hyp"] holding_i_hyp = responses[f"{mtype}.bpo_holding_current_hyp"] try: thres_i_dep = responses[f"{mtype}.bpo_threshold_current_dep"] holding_i_dep = responses[f"{mtype}.bpo_holding_current_dep"] except KeyError: thres_i_dep = holding_i_dep = None currents = {} for protocol in self.protocols.protocols: currents.update( protocol.generate_current( thres_i_hyp, thres_i_dep, holding_i_hyp, holding_i_dep, dt ) ) return currents
[docs] def create_protocols_object( apical_point_isec, prot_path, package_type, features_path="", mtype="", syn_locs=None, stochkv_det=None, ): """Return a dict containing protocols. Args: apical_point_isec (int): section index of the apical point Set to -1 no apical point is used in any extra recordings prot_path (str): path to the protocols file package_type (Enum): enum denoting the package type features_path (str): path to the features file mtype (str): morphology name to be used as prefix in output filenames syn_locs (list): list of synapse locations stochkv_det (bool): set if stochastic or deterministic Raises: ValueError: if the package type is not supported Returns: ephys.protocols.SequenceProtocol: sequence protocol containing all the protocols """ # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking, too-many-locals if package_type == PackageType.sscx: protocols_dict = ProtocolParser().parse_sscx_protocols( prot_path, stochkv_det, mtype, apical_point_isec, syn_locs, ) elif package_type == PackageType.thalamus: protocols_dict = ProtocolParser().parse_thalamus_protocols( prot_path, stochkv_det, mtype, ) else: raise ValueError(f"unsupported package type: {package_type}") if "Main" in protocols_dict: efeatures = define_efeatures( protocols_dict["Main"], features_path, mtype, ) if package_type == PackageType.sscx: set_sscx_main_protocol_efeatures(protocols_dict, efeatures, prefix=mtype) elif package_type == PackageType.thalamus: set_thalamus_main_protocol_efeatures( protocols_dict, efeatures, prefix=mtype ) protocols = [protocols_dict["Main"]] else: protocols = list(protocols_dict.values()) return ephys.protocols.SequenceProtocol( "all protocols", protocols=protocols, )
[docs] def set_sscx_main_protocol_efeatures(protocols_dict, efeatures, prefix): """Set the efeatures of the main protocol. Args: protocols_dict (dict): contains all protocols to be run If this function is called, should contain the MainProtocol and the associated protocols (RinHoldCurrent, ThresholdDetection) efeatures (dict): contains the efeatures prefix (str): prefix used in naming responses, features, recordings, etc. """ protocols_dict["Main"].rmp_efeature = efeatures[f"{prefix}.RMP.soma.v.voltage_base"] protocols_dict["Main"].rin_efeature = efeatures[ f"{prefix}.Rin.soma.v.ohmic_input_resistance_vb_ssse" ] protocols_dict["Main"].rin_efeature.stimulus_current = protocols_dict[ "Main" ].rinhold_protocol.rin_protocol_template.step_amplitude protocols_dict["RinHoldcurrent"].voltagebase_efeature = efeatures[ f"{prefix}.Rin.soma.v.voltage_base" ] protocols_dict["ThresholdDetection"].holding_voltage = efeatures[ f"{prefix}.Rin.soma.v.voltage_base" ].exp_mean
[docs] def set_thalamus_main_protocol_efeatures(protocols_dict, efeatures, prefix): """Set the efeatures of the main thalamus protocol. Args: protocols_dict (dict): contains all protocols to be run If this function is called, should contain the MainProtocol and the associated protocols (RinHoldCurrent, ThresholdDetection) efeatures (dict): contains the efeatures prefix (str): prefix used in naming responses, features, recordings, etc. """ protocols_dict["Main"].rmp_efeature = efeatures[ f"{prefix}.RMP.soma.v.steady_state_voltage_stimend" ] with contextlib.suppress(KeyError): protocols_dict["Main"].rin_efeature_dep = efeatures[ f"{prefix}.Rin_dep.soma.v.ohmic_input_resistance_vb_ssse" ] with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): protocols_dict["Main"].rin_efeature_dep.stimulus_current = protocols_dict[ "Main" ].rinhold_protocol_dep.rin_protocol_template.step_stimulus.step_amplitude protocols_dict["Main"].rin_efeature_hyp = efeatures[ f"{prefix}.Rin_hyp.soma.v.ohmic_input_resistance_vb_ssse" ] protocols_dict["Main"].rin_efeature_hyp.stimulus_current = protocols_dict[ "Main" ].rinhold_protocol_hyp.rin_protocol_template.step_stimulus.step_amplitude with contextlib.suppress(KeyError): protocols_dict["RinHoldcurrent_dep"].voltagebase_efeature = efeatures[ f"{prefix}.Rin_dep.soma.v.voltage_base" ] protocols_dict["ThresholdDetection_dep"].holding_voltage = efeatures[ f"{prefix}.Rin_dep.soma.v.voltage_base" ].exp_mean protocols_dict["RinHoldcurrent_hyp"].voltagebase_efeature = efeatures[ f"{prefix}.Rin_hyp.soma.v.voltage_base" ] protocols_dict["ThresholdDetection_hyp"].holding_voltage = efeatures[ f"{prefix}.Rin_hyp.soma.v.voltage_base" ].exp_mean
[docs] def define_synapse_plasticity_protocols( cell, pre_spike_train, protocol_name, cvode_active, synrecs, tstop, fastforward, stim_path="protocols/stimuli.json", ): """Create stimuli and protocols to run glusynapse cell. Args: cell (CellModelCustom): post-synaptic cell model pre_spike_train (list): times at which the synapses fire (ms) protocol_name (str): protocol name to be passed on to Recording and Protocol classes cvode_active (bool): whether to activate the adaptative time step synrecs (list of str): the extra synapse variables to record tstop (float): total duration of the simulation (ms) fastforward (float): time at which to enable synapse fast-forwarding (ms) stim_path (str): path to the pulse stimuli file Returns: synplas_protocols.SweepProtocolCustom: synapse plasticity protocols """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals syn_locs = get_syn_locs(cell) syn_stim = NrnVecStimStimulusCustom( syn_locs, stop=tstop, pre_spike_train=pre_spike_train, ) # recording location soma_loc = ephys.locations.NrnSeclistCompLocation( name="soma", seclist_name="somatic", sec_index=0, comp_x=0.5 ) # recording rec = ephys.recordings.CompRecording( name=protocol_name, location=soma_loc, variable="v" ) recs = [rec] for syn_loc in syn_locs: for synrec in synrecs: recs.append( SynapseRecordingCustom(name=synrec, location=syn_loc, variable=synrec) ) # pulses stims = load_pulses(soma_loc, stim_path) stims.append(syn_stim) # create protocol return synplas_protocols.SweepProtocolCustom( protocol_name, stims, recs, cvode_active, fastforward )
[docs] def define_pairsim_protocols( postcell, presyn_prot_name, postsyn_prot_name, cvode_active, synrecs, tstop, fastforward, presyn_stim_args, stim_path="protocols/stimuli.json", ): """Create stimuli and protocols to run glusynapse cell. Args: postcell (CellModelCustom): post-synaptic cell model presyn_prot_name (str): presynaptic protocol name to be passed on to Recording and Protocol classes postsyn_prot_name (str): postsynaptic protocol name to be passed on to Recording and Protocol classes cvode_active (bool): whether to activate the adaptative time step synrecs (list of str): the extra synapse variables to record tstop (float): total duration of the simulation (ms) fastforward (float): time at which to enable synapse fast-forwarding (ms) presyn_stim_args (PresynStimArgs): presynaptic stimulus configuration data stim_path (str): path to the pulse stimuli file Returns: synplas_protocols.SweepProtocolPairSim: pair simulation synapse plasticity protocols """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-locals # locations soma_loc = ephys.locations.NrnSeclistCompLocation( name="soma", seclist_name="somatic", sec_index=0, comp_x=0.5 ) syn_locs = get_syn_locs(postcell) # recordings # has the structure (precell_recs, postcell_recs) recs = get_pairsim_recordings( soma_loc, syn_locs, synrecs, presyn_prot_name, postsyn_prot_name ) # stimuli postsyn_stims = load_pulses(soma_loc, stim_path) presyn_stims = [ MultipleSteps( soma_loc, presyn_stim_args.stim_train, presyn_stim_args.amp, presyn_stim_args.width, ) ] # appened to presyn stim because the precell is needed # to activate the postcell synapses syn_stim = NetConSpikeDetector(total_duration=tstop, locations=syn_locs) presyn_stims.append(syn_stim) # create protocol protocol_name = ( f"presynaptic protocol: {presyn_prot_name}," + f"postsynaptic protocol: {postsyn_prot_name}" ) return synplas_protocols.SweepProtocolPairSim( protocol_name, (presyn_stims, postsyn_stims), recs, cvode_active, fastforward, )