Source code for emodelrunner.protocols.synplas_protocols

"""Protocol creation functions & custom protocol classes for Synplas packages."""

# Copyright 2020-2022 Blue Brain Project / EPFL

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import collections
import logging
import sys
import traceback

from bluepyopt import ephys

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def fastforward_synapses(cell_model): """Enable synapse fast-forwarding. Args: cell_model (emodelrunner.cell.CellModelCustom): the cell whose synapses are to be fast-forwarded """ for mech in cell_model.mechanisms: if hasattr(mech, "pprocesses"): for synapse in mech.pprocesses: if synapse.hsynapse.rho_GB >= 0.5: synapse.hsynapse.rho_GB = 1.0 synapse.hsynapse.Use_TM = synapse.hsynapse.Use_p_TM synapse.hsynapse.gmax_AMPA = synapse.hsynapse.gmax_p_AMPA else: synapse.hsynapse.rho_GB = 0.0 synapse.hsynapse.Use_TM = synapse.hsynapse.Use_d_TM synapse.hsynapse.gmax_AMPA = synapse.hsynapse.gmax_d_AMPA
[docs] class SweepProtocolCustom(ephys.protocols.SweepProtocol): """SweepProtocol with ability of synapse fastforwarding. Attributes: name (str): name of this object. stimuli (list of 2 lists of Stimuli): Stimulus objects used in the protocol The list must be of size 2 and contain first the list for the presynaptic stimuli and then the list for the postsynaptic stimuli. recordings (list of 2 lists of Recordings): Recording objects used in the protocol. The list must be of size 2 and contain first the list for the presynaptic recording and then the list for the postsynaptic recording. cvode_active (bool): whether to use variable time step fastforward (float): Time after which the synapses are fasforwarded. Leave None for no fastforward. """ def __init__( self, name=None, stimuli=None, recordings=None, cvode_active=None, fastforward=None, ): """Constructor. Args: name (str): name of this object. stimuli (list of 2 lists of Stimuli): Stimulus objects used in the protocol The list must be of size 2 and contain first the list for the presynaptic stimuli and then the list for the postsynaptic stimuli. recordings (list of 2 lists of Recordings): Recording objects used in the protocol. The list must be of size 2 and contain first the list for the presynaptic recording and then the list for the postsynaptic recording. cvode_active (bool): whether to use variable time step fastforward (float): Time after which the synapses are fasforwarded. Leave None for no fastforward. """ super().__init__(name, stimuli, recordings, cvode_active) self.fastforward = fastforward def _run_func(self, cell_model, param_values, sim=None): """Run protocols. Args: cell_model (bluepyopt.ephys.models.CellModel): the cell model param_values (dict): optimized parameters sim (bluepyopt.ephys.NrnSimulator): neuron simulator Raises: RuntimeError: if the instantiation failed Returns: dict containing the responses """ # pylint: disable=raise-missing-from try: cell_model.freeze(param_values) cell_model.instantiate(sim=sim) self.instantiate(sim=sim, cell_model=cell_model) try: if self.fastforward is not None:, cvode_active=self.cvode_active) fastforward_synapses(cell_model) sim.neuron.h.cvode_active(1) sim.neuron.h.continuerun(self.total_duration) else:, cvode_active=self.cvode_active) except (RuntimeError, ephys.simulators.NrnSimulatorException): logger.debug( "SweepProtocol: Running of parameter set {%s} generated " "an exception, returning None in responses", str(param_values), ) responses = { None for recording in self.recordings} else: responses = { recording.response for recording in self.recordings } self.destroy(sim=sim) cell_model.destroy(sim=sim) cell_model.unfreeze(param_values.keys()) return responses except BaseException: raise RuntimeError("".join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())))
[docs] class SweepProtocolPairSim(ephys.protocols.Protocol): """Sweep protocol for pair simulation with fastforwarding. Attributes: name (str): name of this object. stimuli (list of 2 lists of Stimuli): Stimulus objects used in the protocol The list must be of size 2 and contain first the list for the presynaptic stimuli and then the list for the postsynaptic stimuli. recordings (list of 2 lists of Recordings): Recording objects used in the protocol. The list must be of size 2 and contain first the list for the presynaptic recording and then the list for the postsynaptic recording. cvode_active (bool): whether to use variable time step fastforward (float): Time after which the synapses are fasforwarded. Leave None for no fastforward. """ def __init__( self, name=None, stimuli=None, recordings=None, cvode_active=None, fastforward=None, ): """Constructor. Args: name (str): name of this object. stimuli (list of 2 lists of Stimuli): Stimulus objects used in the protocol The list must be of size 2 and contain first the list for the presynaptic stimuli and then the list for the postsynaptic stimuli. recordings (list of 2 lists of Recordings): Recording objects used in the protocol. The list must be of size 2 and contain first the list for the presynaptic recording and then the list for the postsynaptic recording. cvode_active (bool): whether to use variable time step fastforward (float): Time after which the synapses are fasforwarded. Leave None for no fastforward. Raises: ValueError: if stimuli is not of size 2 and is not None ValueError: if recordings is not of size 2 and is not None """ super().__init__(name) if stimuli is not None and len(stimuli) != 2: raise ValueError( "Stimuli should be of size 2 and contain" "[presynaptic_stimuli, postsynaptic_stimuli]" ) self.stimuli = stimuli if recordings is not None and len(stimuli) != 2: raise ValueError( "Recordings should be of size 2 and contain" "[presynaptic_recordings, postsynaptic_recordings]" ) self.recordings = recordings self.cvode_active = cvode_active self.fastforward = fastforward @property def total_duration(self): """Total duration. Returns: float: total duration """ return max( stimulus.total_duration for stimulus_sublist in self.stimuli for stimulus in stimulus_sublist )
[docs] def subprotocols(self): """Return subprotocols. Returns: a dict containing the object """ return collections.OrderedDict({ self})
def _run_func( self, precell_model, postcell_model, pre_param_values, post_param_values, sim=None, ): """Run protocols. Args: precell_model (bluepyopt.ephys.models.CellModel): the presynaptic cell model postcell_model (bluepyopt.ephys.models.CellModel): the postsynaptic cell model pre_param_values (dict): optimized parameters of the presynaptic cell model post_param_values (dict): optimized parameters of the postsynaptic cell model sim (bluepyopt.ephys.NrnSimulator): neuron simulator Raises: RuntimeError: if the instantiation failed Returns: list of 2 dicts containing the responses of both the cells Has the structure [presynaptic response dict, postsynaptic response dict] """ # pylint: disable=raise-missing-from try: precell_model.freeze(pre_param_values) precell_model.instantiate(sim=sim) postcell_model.freeze(post_param_values) postcell_model.instantiate(sim=sim) self.instantiate( sim=sim, pre_icell=precell_model.icell, post_icell=postcell_model.icell ) try: if self.fastforward is not None:, cvode_active=self.cvode_active) fastforward_synapses(precell_model) fastforward_synapses(postcell_model) sim.neuron.h.cvode_active(1) sim.neuron.h.continuerun(self.total_duration) else:, cvode_active=self.cvode_active) except (RuntimeError, ephys.simulators.NrnSimulatorException): logger.debug( "SweepProtocol: Running of parameter sets {%s} and {%s} generated " "an exception, returning None in responses", str(pre_param_values), str(post_param_values), ) responses = [ { None for recording in recordings} for recordings in self.recordings ] else: responses = [ { recording.response for recording in recordings} for recordings in self.recordings ] self.destroy(sim=sim) precell_model.destroy(sim=sim) postcell_model.destroy(sim=sim) precell_model.unfreeze(pre_param_values.keys()) postcell_model.unfreeze(post_param_values.keys()) return responses except BaseException: raise RuntimeError("".join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())))
[docs] def run( self, precell_model, postcell_model, pre_param_values, post_param_values, sim=None, isolate=None, timeout=None, ): """Instantiate protocol. Args: precell_model (bluepyopt.ephys.models.CellModel): the presynaptic cell model postcell_model (bluepyopt.ephys.models.CellModel): the postsynaptic cell model pre_param_values (dict): optimized parameters of the presynaptic cell model post_param_values (dict): optimized parameters of the postsynaptic cell model sim (bluepyopt.ephys.NrnSimulator): neuron simulator isolate (bool): whether to isolate the run in a process with a timeout to avoid bad cells running for too long timeout (float): maximum real time (s) the cells are allowed to run when isolated Returns: list of 2 dicts containing the responses of both the cells Has the structure [presynaptic response dict, postsynaptic response dict] """ # pylint:disable=too-many-locals, import-outside-toplevel if isolate is None: isolate = True if isolate: def _reduce_method(meth): """Overwrite reduce.""" return (getattr, (meth.__self__, meth.__func__.__name__)) import copyreg import types copyreg.pickle(types.MethodType, _reduce_method) import pebble from concurrent.futures import TimeoutError as FuturesTimeoutError if timeout is not None: if timeout < 0: raise ValueError("timeout should be > 0") with pebble.ProcessPool(max_workers=1, max_tasks=1) as pool: tasks = pool.schedule( self._run_func, kwargs={ "precell_model": precell_model, "postcell_model": postcell_model, "pre_param_values": pre_param_values, "post_param_values": post_param_values, "sim": sim, }, timeout=timeout, ) try: responses = tasks.result() except FuturesTimeoutError: logger.debug( "SweepProtocol: task took longer than " "timeout, will return empty response " "for this recording" ) responses = [ { None for recording in recordings} for recordings in self.recordings ] else: responses = self._run_func( precell_model=precell_model, postcell_model=postcell_model, pre_param_values=pre_param_values, post_param_values=post_param_values, sim=sim, ) return responses
[docs] def instantiate(self, sim=None, pre_icell=None, post_icell=None): """Instantiate. Args: sim (bluepyopt.ephys.NrnSimulator): neuron simulator pre_icell (neuron cell): presynaptic cell instantiation in simulator post_icell (neuron cell): postsynaptic cell instantiation in simulator """ icells = [pre_icell, post_icell] for i, icell in enumerate(icells): for stimulus in self.stimuli[i]: stimulus.instantiate(sim=sim, icell=icell) for recording in self.recordings[i]: try: recording.instantiate(sim=sim, icell=icell) except ephys.locations.EPhysLocInstantiateException: logger.debug( "SweepProtocol: Instantiating recording generated " "location exception, will return empty response for " "this recording" )
[docs] def destroy(self, sim=None): """Destroy protocol. Args: sim (bluepyopt.ephys.NrnSimulator): neuron simulator """ for stimulus_list in self.stimuli: for stimulus in stimulus_list: stimulus.destroy(sim=sim) for recording_list in self.recordings: for recording in recording_list: recording.destroy(sim=sim)
def __str__(self): """String representation. Returns: str describing the stimuli and recordings """ content = f"{}:\n" content += " pre-synaptic stimuli:\n" for stimulus in self.stimuli[0]: content += f" {stimulus}\n" content += " post-synaptic stimuli:\n" for stimulus in self.stimuli[1]: content += f" {stimulus}\n" content += " pre-synaptic recordings:\n" for recording in self.recordings[0]: content += f" {recording}\n" content += " post-synaptic recordings:\n" for recording in self.recordings[1]: content += f" {recording}\n" return content