Source code for emodelrunner.synapses.mechanism

"""Synapse Point Process Mechanisms."""

# Copyright 2020-2022 Blue Brain Project / EPFL

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from bluepyopt import ephys

from emodelrunner.synapses.glusynapse import GluSynapseCustom
from emodelrunner.synapses.synapse import SynapseCustom

[docs] class NrnMODPointProcessMechanismCustom(ephys.mechanisms.Mechanism): """Class containing all the synapses. Attributes: synapses_data (list of dicts): synapse data synconf_dict (dict): synapse configuration seed (int): random number generator seed number rng_settings_mode (str): mode of the random number generator Can be "Random123" or "Compatibility" pre_mtypes (list of ints): activate only synapses whose pre_mtype is in this list if None, all synapses are activated stim_params (dict or None): dict with pre_mtype as key, and netstim params list as item. netstim params list is [start, interval, number, noise] use_glu_synapse (bool): if True, instantiate synapses to use GluSynapse syn_setup_params (dict): contains extra parameters to setup synapses when using GluSynapseCustom rng (neuron Random): random number generator of the simulator pprocesses (list of SynapseCustom or GluSynapseCustom): list of the synapses """ def __init__( self, name, synapses_data, synconf_dict, seed, rng_settings_mode, pre_mtypes=None, stim_params=None, comment="", use_glu_synapse=False, syn_setup_params=None, ): """Constructor. Args: name (str): name of this object synapses_data (list of dicts): synapse data synconf_dict (dict): synapse configuration seed (int): random number generator seed number rng_settings_mode (str): mode of the random number generator Can be "Random123" or "Compatibility" pre_mtypes (list of ints): activate only synapses whose pre_mtype is in this list if None, all synapses are activated stim_params (dict or None): dict with pre_mtype as key, and netstim params list as item. netstim params list is [start, interval, number, noise] comment (str): comment use_glu_synapse (bool): if True, instantiate synapses to use GluSynapse syn_setup_params (dict): contains extra parameters to setup synapses when using GluSynapseCustom """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments super().__init__(name, comment) self.synapses_data = synapses_data self.synconf_dict = synconf_dict self.seed = seed self.rng_settings_mode = rng_settings_mode self.pre_mtypes = pre_mtypes self.stim_params = stim_params self.use_glu_synapse = use_glu_synapse self.syn_setup_params = syn_setup_params self.rng = None self.pprocesses = None
[docs] @staticmethod def get_cell_section_for_synapse(synapse, icell): """Returns the cell section on which is the synapse. Args: synapse (dict): contains the synapse data icell (neuron cell): cell instantiation in simulator Returns: neuron section where the synapse is attached """ if synapse["sectionlist_id"] == 0: section = icell.soma[synapse["sectionlist_index"]] elif synapse["sectionlist_id"] == 1: section = icell.dend[synapse["sectionlist_index"]] elif synapse["sectionlist_id"] == 2: section = icell.apic[synapse["sectionlist_index"]] elif synapse["sectionlist_id"] == 3: section = icell.axon[synapse["sectionlist_index"]] return section
[docs] def instantiate(self, sim=None, icell=None): """Instantiate the synapses. In the process, fill the self.pprocesses list. Args: sim (bluepyopt.ephys.NrnSimulator): neuron simulator icell (neuron cell): cell instantiation in simulator """ if self.rng_settings_mode == "Random123": self.rng = sim.neuron.h.Random() self.rng.Random123_globalindex(self.seed) self.pprocesses = [] for synapse in self.synapses_data: if self.pre_mtypes is None or synapse["pre_mtype"] in self.pre_mtypes: # get section section = self.get_cell_section_for_synapse(synapse, icell) if self.use_glu_synapse: synapse_obj = GluSynapseCustom( sim, icell, synapse, section, self.seed, self.rng_settings_mode, self.synconf_dict, ) elif self.stim_params is None: synapse_obj = SynapseCustom( sim, icell, synapse, section, self.seed, self.rng_settings_mode, self.synconf_dict, ) else: stim_params = self.stim_params[synapse["pre_mtype"]] synapse_obj = SynapseCustom( sim, icell, synapse, section, self.seed, self.rng_settings_mode, self.synconf_dict, stim_params[0], # start stim_params[1], # interval stim_params[2], # number stim_params[3], # noise ) # setup synapses params for glu synapse case if self.use_glu_synapse and self.syn_setup_params is not None: synapse_obj.setup_synapses(self.syn_setup_params) self.pprocesses.append(synapse_obj)
[docs] def destroy(self, sim=None): """Destroy mechanism instantiation. Args: sim (bluepyopt.ephys.NrnSimulator): neuron simulator """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument self.pprocesses = None