Source code for emodelrunner.synapses.minis

"""Spontaneous Minis."""

# Copyright 2020-2022 Blue Brain Project / EPFL

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from bluepyopt import ephys

# adapted from bglibpy.cell.add_replay_minis
[docs] class Minis(ephys.stimuli.Stimulus): """Current stimulus based on stochastic current amplitude.""" def __init__( self, gid, locations=None, stop=None, minis_seed=0, base_seed=0, weight_scalar=None, syn_location=None, popids=None, spont_minis_rate=None, ): """Constructor.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments super().__init__() self.gid = gid if stop is None: raise ValueError("NrnVecStimStimulus: Need to specify a stop time") # must be named total_duration because of ephys.protocols self.total_duration = stop self.locations = locations self.minis_seed = minis_seed self.base_seed = base_seed self.weight_scalar = weight_scalar self.syn_location = syn_location self.popids = popids self.spont_minis_rate = spont_minis_rate self.persistent = [] self.ips = {} self.syn_mini_netcons = {}
[docs] def instantiate(self, sim=None, icell=None): """Run stimulus.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-branches, too-many-statements # pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string if self.persistent is None: self.persistent = [] if self.ips is None: self.ips = {} if self.syn_mini_netcons is None: self.syn_mini_netcons = {} for location in self.locations: # self.connections[] = [] for synapse in location.instantiate(sim=sim, icell=icell): sid = synapse.hsynapse.synapseID if self.popids is None: # Default values in Neurodamus source_popid = 0 target_popid = 0 else: source_popid, target_popid = self.popids[sid] if self.weight_scalar is not None and sid in self.weight_scalar: weight_scalar = self.weight_scalar[sid] else: weight_scalar = 1.0 if self.spont_minis_rate is not None and sid in self.spont_minis_rate: spont_minis_rate = self.spont_minis_rate[sid] else: spont_minis_rate = None if spont_minis_rate is not None: # add the *minis*: spontaneous synaptic events self.ips[sid] = sim.neuron.h.InhPoissonStim( self.syn_location[sid], sec=synapse.section # load this ) delay = 0.1 self.syn_mini_netcons[sid] = sim.neuron.h.NetCon( self.ips[sid], synapse.hsynapse, -30, delay, synapse.weight * weight_scalar, ) # set netcon type nc_param_name = "nc_type_param_{}".format(synapse.hsynapse).split( "[", maxsplit=1 )[0] if hasattr(sim.neuron.h, nc_param_name): nc_type_param = int(getattr(sim.neuron.h, nc_param_name)) # NC_SPONTMINI self.syn_mini_netcons[sid].weight[nc_type_param] = 1 # I assumed rng_settings_mode is the same as in synapse if synapse.rng_settings_mode == "Random123": seed2 = source_popid * 65536 + target_popid + self.minis_seed self.ips[sid].setRNGs( sid + 200, self.gid + 250, seed2 + 300, sid + 200, self.gid + 250, seed2 + 350, ) else: exprng = sim.neuron.h.Random() self.persistent.append(exprng) uniformrng = sim.neuron.h.Random() self.persistent.append(uniformrng) if synapse.rng_settings_mode == "Compatibility": exp_seed1 = sid * 100000 + 200 exp_seed2 = ( self.gid + 250 + self.base_seed + self.minis_seed ) uniform_seed1 = sid * 100000 + 300 uniform_seed2 = ( self.gid + 250 + self.base_seed + self.minis_seed ) elif synapse.rng_settings_mode == "UpdatedMCell": exp_seed1 = sid * 1000 + 200 exp_seed2 = ( source_popid * 16777216 + self.gid + 250 + self.base_seed + self.minis_seed ) uniform_seed1 = sid * 1000 + 300 uniform_seed2 = ( source_popid * 16777216 + self.gid + 250 + self.base_seed + self.minis_seed ) else: raise ValueError( f"Cell: Unknown rng mode: {synapse.rng_settings_mode}" ) exprng.MCellRan4(exp_seed1, exp_seed2) exprng.negexp(1.0) uniformrng.MCellRan4(uniform_seed1, uniform_seed2) uniformrng.uniform(0.0, 1.0) self.ips[sid].setRNGs(exprng, uniformrng) tbins_vec = sim.neuron.h.Vector(1) tbins_vec.x[0] = 0.0 rate_vec = sim.neuron.h.Vector(1) rate_vec.x[0] = spont_minis_rate self.persistent.append(tbins_vec) self.persistent.append(rate_vec) self.ips[sid].setTbins(tbins_vec) self.ips[sid].setRate(rate_vec)
[docs] def destroy(self, sim=None): """Destroy stimulus.""" # pylint: disable=unused-argument self.persistent = None self.ips = None self.syn_mini_netcons = None
def __str__(self): """String representation.""" # pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string return ( "Minis at %s" % ",".join(location for location in self.locations) if self.locations is not None else "Minis" )